Sebastián Yatra showed his annoyance at alleged infidelity to Tini

Little by little have his successes catapulted however, to the pinnacle of stardom, being a public figure also means exposing yourself to the scrutiny of thousands fans. This time the rumor is spreading that Yatra apparently he was unfaithful

Everything happens due to the information of the television worker Yanina Latorre in a program in Argentina where he ensures that Sebastian Jatra according to AS Colombia newspaper, he was unfaithful to Rodrigo de Paul’s current girlfriend with Aitana herself.

The characters They only made the Colombian singer explode on his social networks. “Can you stop telling lies already?”he wrote on his Twitter account, retweeting a tweet that quotes Latorre’s words, denying any rumor of infidelity.

But even if the case seemed to end there, well, not Yanina Latorre, the same one who started it all controversyspoke again: “Do you want me to tell you?”he said in response to the artist.

Source: El heraldo
