20 years after the kiss between Madonna, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera

Twenty years have passed since that iconic moment in pop culture. It ran on August 28, 2003 when half the world was waiting for the live signal from the mtv channel to watch the music stars of the day parade down one of the entertainment season’s most unusual and extravagant red carpets, the the MTV VMAs. At the time, the channel had a worldwide audience and was one of the few ways to show singers’ music videos, so people of all ages watched it.

Pop royalty was in full swing and both Madonna and Britney Spears were on everyone’s lips with their albums. American life And britney respectively, which were particularly transgressive and marked a change in the two singers’ outlook. In the case of Madonna, a mature woman was already seen opting less gothic pop and more hip-hop. On Spears’ side, she finally showed a sensual and powerful woman.

But this comparison also includes the famous Christina Aguilera, who also went through a very strong transition from a very innocent girl who fell in love on the beaches of California. to a wild and risky woman who dances in a ring in jeans and thongs.

These three celebrities arrived at Radio City Music Hall in New York with the full intention of making history, because it was the first time that the Queen of Pop sang with her little princesses.

During rehearsals, the three performers had proved to be on excellent terms, but one of the details that would spark much rumor during the event had been kept top secret. Finally the time had come. First, Britney and Christina took to the stage, dressed in sensual wedding dresses, singing the mythical like a virgin from Madonna.

Then Madonna appears from the giant wedding cake the two singers had descended through, but now wearing a tailor that serves as the groom’s suit, completing a very evocative wedding to the sound of her song. Hollywood.

The three singers opted for a sensual tango that ended in a very sensual knockout from Madonna to Christina and then came the surprise, a kiss on the mouth from Madonna to Britney and then another kiss from Madonna to Aguilera. This was extremely unprecedented and so much so that those responsible for the broadcast tried to censor it by showing the face of Justin Timberlake, Spears’ boyfriend at the time, in order to avoid the kiss between Madonna and Christina, which was also seen, not to show. on the broadcast when they had to show them how to see rapper Missi Elliot’s triumphant entrance on stage, performing her song working on it.

Source: El heraldo
