Noel is a Latin Grammy winner, composer and pianist, and part of the band Sin Bandera, with whom he has released several musical numbers such as: ‘Que lloro’, ‘Te vi venir’, ‘Mientes tan bien’ , Si you are not here’, among others. Currently, the band is developing a tour called ‘Frequency Tour’ and will tour all over the North American country.
In dialogue with EL HERALDO, Noel Schajris shared his experiences here in Barranquilla and the projects ahead.
The artist feels happy to be in this city. “I’m happy to be in Barranquilla, we hadn’t been there for five or six years, the last time was at a ‘Sin Banderas’ show. It is always a pleasure to be in this city and I am very happy with this invitation from Miss Universe Colombia”, emphasizes Noel Schajris.
He emphasized the beauty that art and music can have. “It is always a pleasure to celebrate the beauty of music and the beauty, not just physically, but intellectually and spiritually, of these incredible women, but also to be able to celebrate art and music,” said Schajris.
He is currently presenting his musical album ‘#siemprelosupe’ through his digital platform NS Music. The record production was also recorded on vinyl, which is still alive today.
The music that the artist will release can only be found on his platform. “For the first time in my career, this album is not on traditional platforms, but on my own. Everything in this application is simple, you can buy the album and listen to it without wifi, which is a great experience for the user. The idea arises because I want it to be directly to my audience, from my heart to you,” said the artist.
The artist wishes to tour Colombia and the surrounding area with this new musical album.
For tomorrow evening, the artist hopes to enjoy himself with the Barranquilla audience during his presentation at the Puerta de Oro event center. “I hope you enjoy the beauty this country has to offer from these 24 dear candidates. Thanks to Miss Universe for this invitation. They join me here in this initiative and I bring you 200 records for all of us to celebrate the to celebrate and feel again how much fun it is.” is owning a record,” the artist added.
Source: El heraldo

Smith Charles is a talented entertainment journalist and author at The Nation View. He has a passion for all things entertainment and writes about the latest movies, TV shows, music, and celebrity news. He’s known for his in-depth interviews with actors, musicians, and other industry figures, and his ability to provide unique perspectives on the entertainment industry.