Warning: Spoilers for Guardians of the Galaxy #7!Great evil approaches Guardians of the universe has now ended with a surprising twist, as the series makes it clear that he was never a villain to begin with. After being infected by the last of the worlds Rama, Groot becomes Grootfall, originally seen as the galaxy-absorbing mortal equivalent of Galactus. Only when Groot devours his friends can the Guardians understand his true intentions.
Guardians of the universe #7 by VCs Collin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, Kev Walker, Matt Hollingsworth and Cory Petit explains the true nature of Grootfall as Wicca and Kaiser Hulkling investigate the Multiple Territories recently corrupted by Grootspace.
They encounter the Guardians of the Galaxy, who have also been corrupted by Groot, but are confused when they discover that the situation is not as dire as expected.
Guardian #7 confirms that “Groot did nothing wrong”
In Guardian #7, the renamed Guardians of Grootspace, explain that anything and anyone who consumed Groot is not dead, but can return in due time. Groot needed the Guardians to eat them to understand what he was really doing. Instead of a villainous twist, Groot’s actions are explained as a force of nature over which he has no control. Wicca uses his powers to make him and Hulkling understand Groot’s true intentions and confirm everything the Guardians said: “Big didn’t look bad. He just did what came naturally to him. And I couldn’t even begin to explain why.
Readers wonder how far the villain Groot’s story would go and how the character could redeem himself despite his seemingly devastating attack on the galaxy. Most speculation revolved around the idea of the Guardians releasing Groot from darkness. By portraying Groot’s villain and not only providing an explanation for his actions, but also a way out of the destruction and death he has caused, Marvel offers itself the opportunity to bring back one of its most popular characters. to the status quo and Groot to a hero. . One more time before all is said and done Guardians of the universe Bow.
Great deeds were natural and not evil
The idea of the redemption arc is common in superhero history. Many Marvel heroes have turned evil, only to be turned from their evil ways; Some of them have dealt similar damage in recent editions of Grootfall Guardian. This leads to setbacks such as: Guardian #7 often, with these types of stories often revealing that the hero was brainwashed or an evil clone all along. He Guardians of the universe Learning that Groot wasn’t evil, but actually underwent a natural process beyond his initial understanding is the latest version of this trope.
Guardians of the universe #7 is available now from Marvel Comics.
Source: La Neta Neta
Smith Charles is a talented entertainment journalist and author at The Nation View. He has a passion for all things entertainment and writes about the latest movies, TV shows, music, and celebrity news. He’s known for his in-depth interviews with actors, musicians, and other industry figures, and his ability to provide unique perspectives on the entertainment industry.