Superman’s family is officially scarier than Batman’s


  • It is revealed that Superman’s family scares the criminals of Metropolis, as they possess godlike powers that make escape impossible.
  • The Blue Sky Group, armed with stolen Kryptonian powers, plans to spread fear throughout the city and further tarnish Superman’s reputation.
  • Action Comics #1059 It is available now from DC Comics.

Warning: contains spoilers for Action Comics #1059!Batman has long led the most feared superhero family in the DC canon, but now Superman is coming looking for the title, even if he doesn’t want to. While the idea of ​​being attacked by a group of scary ninja bats is certainly a terrifying thought, it’s also a terrifying thought to have to deal with a family of godlike beings. rather scarier, as DC just confirmed.

Readers first get to see how terrifying Superman’s family is to the criminals of Metropolis Action Comics #1059 by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Matt Herms and Dave Sharpe. This trailer starts with a group of criminals trying to escape a crime, but are being held captive by what they think is the Super Family.


Normally, criminals will do anything to escape DC superheroes, even if it’s futile. But when confronted by the superfamily, one of the criminals openly begs them to stop the car, admitting that there is no point in running away. This is in stark contrast to Gotham’s criminals, who open fire whenever a member of the Bat-family is spotted. But unfortunately for the criminals, the “heroes” attacking them are actually blue sky assassins out to ruin Superman’s reputation.

Superman’s family has a terrible reputation in Metropolis

And now it is controlled by its villains

Gotham City is a dark and dangerous place, one of the most dangerous cities in the DC Universe, so Batman and his big bat family are needed to keep crime under control. But because Batman and his family are only human, they often rely on fear to keep criminals from fighting them or committing crimes. This is an effective tactic, but the fact that the Bat-family They are In your city only people are known: there is always a chance to escape, even if it is just a happy moment. Against a family of Kryptonians, however, there is no such hope for normal humans.

Nearly every member of Superman’s family has powers in some way. This is a fact known to almost everyone in Metropolis, including criminals. There’s simply no way to outrun a hero who can move faster than a bullet, let alone an entire family of heroes that fast. It’s even been revealed that in DC’s distant future, Superman’s family will become a dynastic group called the House of El, and become a major political force in the galaxy. For two thieves in a car, hope disappears when they see a figure in the sky. Now the Blue Sky group has stolen Krypton’s powers and wants to make Superman’s city fear him like never before.

Superman’s family poses a terrible threat to criminals

But Blue Sky wants the terror to spread


Batman thinks he’s the master of fear, but DC fans just saw how the criminals of Metropolis react when they think Superman’s family is after them, and it’s much more extreme than the hardened criminals of Gotham. And with the anti-alien hate group Blue Sky using stolen Kryptonian powers to attack the city, this fear is likely to grow even further and spread to innocent people. Superman’s pure heart and kindness make him a symbol of hope, but those targeted by his family of gods still know they are afraid when they see a figure floating in the sky.

Action Comics #1059 It is available now from DC Comics.

Source: La Neta Neta
