10 Outrageous Cable and Deadpool Quotes


  • Deadpool’s wonderfully random quote about not going to France during a fictional war perfectly captures his outrageous personality.
  • Deadpool’s reference to Normandy and Bridgette Nielsen attacking German guards is the epitome of outrage.
  • Cable’s meta-quote about taking the easy way out with a ridiculously large gun shows the funny contrast to his characterization in Cable and Deadpool And these are just a few of the many scandalous quotes in this series!

wire and deadpool They are an iconic duo in X Men Canon, not just because they’re arguably the two most badass characters in Marvel Comics history, but because they’re absolutely hilarious. The dynamic between the two has fans audibly laughing at their comics, not to mention the dark humor they bring to life through their over-the-top brutality and hilariously morbid apathy.

Above all, Cable and Deadpool stand out as two of Marvel Comics’ funniest anti-heroes for one reason: the absolutely outrageous things they say. Deadpool is clearly superior to Cable when it comes to the absolutely absurd things that come out of his constantly babbling mouth, although most of them are related to the situations he finds himself in with Cable, giving the future Omega-level soldier an equally important role . . . situation comedians like Deadpool himself; Furthermore, Cable has been known to make ridiculous comments from time to time. And while his hilarious quotes could easily number in the hundreds, especially in the series Cable and Deadpool – There are 10 quotes that are among the most scandalous.


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10 Good sir, you can’t pay me enough to go to France while our countries are at war!” – Dead pool

Cable and Deadpool #1 by Fabián Nicieza and Mark Brooks


The first issue of Cable and Deadpool It starts with Deadpool getting a call from a potential client who wants him to kill someone, specifically a group of people in France. Deadpool then responds in the most riotous way imaginable, claiming that the United States is engaged in an imaginary war with France and would never go abroad during this turbulent period in world history.

This quote is wonderfully coincidental, but it’s more than that: it’s perfectly “Deadpool.”

9 This is for Normandy! And this is for…um…for…Bridgette Nielsen!” – Dead pool

Cable and Deadpool #1 by Fabián Nicieza and Mark Brooks


Deadpool shouts this to a group of German security forces as they attack a company responsible for producing a dangerous substance that could be used as a weapon of mass destruction.

His mention of Normandy was an obvious reference to World War II, although the mention of 1980s model and actress Bridgette Nielsen’s name was somewhat unwarranted and even confusing. Deadpool’s German guards were actively engaged in mass murder. This quote is the definition of ‘scandalous’.

8th Hey, if you looked like Ryan Reynolds crossed with a Shar-Pei, you’d understand!” – Dead pool

Cable and Deadpool #2 by Fabián Nicieza and Mark Brooks


When Deadpool explains to Cable why he joined a religious cult obsessed with body modifications and modifications, he explains to Summers that he doesn’t understand what he looks like.Ryan Reynolds and a Shar-Pei crossed paths“. This statement is beyond outrageous because it confirms that Wade Wilson canonically resembles Ryan Reynolds (or at least before the gun).

This comic was released in 2004 and Reynolds first played Deadpool before the 2009 film X-Men Origins: Wolverine, making this a very strange, if not entirely historical line of dialogue.

7 I do NOT hate everything in the world. All the shows they did after Friends. Except exfoliants. Now that I think about it, I hate friends too…” – Dead pool

Cable and Deadpool #4 by Fabián Nicieza and Patrick Zircher


Deadpool says this to Cable, spontaneously or not, in the middle of the fight. This is perhaps the purest example of Deadpool’s mentality, but it also taps into his pop culture-obsessed humor.

Deadpool is always talking about TV shows and movie stars, so his rant about the best and worst comedies in entertainment history should surprise no one, which is exactly why it’s so outrageous.

6 …it’s time to take the easy way out!” – Thread

Cable and Deadpool #4 by Fabián Nicieza and Patrick Zircher


This quote is hilariously combined with visual humor. Cable shouts this while brandishing a ridiculously large pistol with ‘Liefeld XS’ written on the side. This is a bit of meta-humor, since Rob Liefeld is the writer/artist who created “Cable.” and was one of the most important comic creators of the ’90s, championing the more “hardcore” aesthetic that became synonymous with the era. become.

Throughout the arc, Cable was portrayed as a cold and methodical character, orchestrating a greater plan to reshape the entire world. Here, however, he’s back to the original “hardcore” character he was introduced to, and this line emphasizes that in a hilarious way.

5 Aunt Em! Aunt Em!– Deadpool and Cabo

Cable and Deadpool No. 4 and no. 12 by Fabián Nicieza and Patrick Zircher


in a clear indication of this The Wizard of Ozboth Deadpool and Cable scream.”Aunt Em! Aunt Em!“on two separate and completely unrelated occasions. Deadpool screams as he melts from the body-altering serum given to him by the religious cult in issue #4. Cable then says the exact same thing after his consciousness becomes trapped in his own mind and a metaphysical tornado rips through his mentally fabricated reality and takes him back throws into the real world.

This quote is absolutely hilarious because it shows how similar the two really are, even though Cable never admits it.

4 You swallowed me!” – Dead pool

Cable and Deadpool #5 by Fabián Nicieza and Patrick Zircher


The absurdity of this quote speaks for itself. Besides being a bit gross, there’s something ridiculous about this coming from Deadpool’s mouth, and completely shocking when taken out of context (and contextualization hardly makes it any better). While Deadpool was right to shout this at Cable, because Cable bought it in a sense, this quote is still completely outrageous, as is the entire situation surrounding it.

When would it be appropriate to say this? Well, if someone literally swallows Deadpool, that in itself is completely absurd. And this quote only emphasizes that absurdity.

3 Well, that was the coolest expository dialogue I’ve ever had!” – Dead pool

Cable and Deadpool #10 by Fabián Nicieza and Patrick Zircher


Deadpool says this after he and the X-Men have the most stilted conversation about the Silver Surfer ever seen in the pages of Marvel Comics. Silver Surfer flies to help the X-Men stop Cable, as he attempts to reshape the world in such a way that the Surfer will fear for the future of the planet. To ensure that readers know exactly who this character is, Deadpool covers essentially every relevant point in the Silver Surfer’s story in a scheduled conversation with the X-Men.

Then he says it himself with some fourth wall-breaking meta-humor. Classic Deadpool.

two This fight lasted as long as the last Deathlok comic.” – Dead pool

Cable and Deadpool #10 by Fabián Nicieza and Patrick Zircher


Another bit of meta humor courtesy of the Merc with a Mouth. Deadpool quickly incapacitates his opponents, only to stand over their unconscious bodies and say this phrase. This was a completely unnecessary criticism of Deathlok, someone who was arguably never intended to be more than a supporting character or plot device, and of the character’s inability to captivate readers with a standalone title.

No other character in the Marvel Universe would say something like that. Since no other character knows that this is a work of fiction whose existence has been relegated to the pages of a comic book, this quote is completely outrageous.

1 YOU DIE, %$#&@%# CLOWNS!” – Dead pool

Cable and Deadpool #15 by Fabián Nicieza and Patrick Zircher


This quote is not only outrageous, it’s downright insane. Deadpool is trapped in a training simulation populated by his own mind because he has been conditioned to eliminate the world’s greatest threats, and he believes that this collective threat is clowns. This issue opens with Deadpool facing off against an army of clowns, with Wade brutally slaughtering them with extreme prejudice.

This scene, like the quote, really came out of nowhere and can therefore easily be considered one of the 10 most outrageous quotes in the world. wire and dead pool Series.

Source: La Neta Neta
