Martina La Peligrosa has had an accident: will she continue on MasterChef Celebrity?

The competition of MasterChef celebrity It’s getting more and more exciting as more participants leave and how competitive the game has become. reality with a level that is increasingly raised by the same public figures who decided to compete in the most important kitchen in the world.

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The last to leave the platform was María Fernanda Yepes, who was eliminated last Saturday, July 27. Her board, consisting of sealed back with five Chinese herbs and Greek yoghurt sauce, was not enough to convince the guests judges.

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“I’m stunned. I don’t think I’ve ever cried so much in my life, and on national television. I would have loved to compete with the cooler head“, Yepes said when his departure from MasterChef was announced.

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But who is also at risk in the program is the singer Martina the dangerous that he was absent from the July 28 episode, which caused surprise among the Attendees and among the viewers.

The reason? According to Claudia Bahamón, the interpreter of ‘Báilame’ had a domestic accident when a drop of chlorine fell on her eye. The incident happened outside the kitchenThis will cause them to be outside the matches for a few days.

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Moreover, the presenter added, once Martina is back, she will apron black that the threat is however given the opportunity to be removed with the proof that still exist. The date on which he will return is not yet known.

Source: El heraldo
