Andrew Garfield does not respond to Snub’s Best Picture nomination at home

Andrew Garfield opens Spider-Man: No Way Home Will not accept an Oscar nomination for Best Picture. Than spider man 3 Failing to impress the critics and the public, Sony relaunched the franchise with Garfield as Peter Parker. Like Toby Maguire, Garfield’s time as a character was also shortened, leading to the introduction of Tom Holland into the MCU. However, Maguire and Garfield had the chance to don their Spider suits again, with an unexpected appearance. Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Garfield and Maguire’s return was talked about long before the film’s release, and thankfully their return was able to satisfy audiences. Spider-Man: No Way Home The Human Spider has been called one of the greatest movies of all time. One of the main reasons for this is that the movie successfully linked Spider-Man across three generations in a two and a half hour film. With a very positive response Spider-Man: No Way HomeSony and Marvel suddenly demanded that their film be nominated for an Oscar in every category, including Best Picture. Unfortunately, your plan was not fully executed. Spider-Man: No Way Home Nominated for an Oscar for Best Visual Effects.

in the last interview Jimmy Kimmel liveGarfield was asked Spider-Man: No Way Home It could not be nominated for Best Picture. Garfield somewhat avoided reading, praising director John Watts and praising the story’s focus on the brotherhood between the three versions of Spider-Man. The actor also explained how the film’s story would be different if he and Maguire didn’t participate, and discussed Dutch Mejee and Peter’s near-death experience of killing a green goblin. A full quote from Garfield from the interview can be read below:

Excellent movie, John Watts. John Watts is a great director. He combined all those different stories and themes and did not come across as cynical in the least. It made him feel completely genuine and important. And the other thing I love is that I love this idea of ​​fate and the idea that if neither Toby nor my Peter Parker ended up in this particular world, Tom Holland’s world, he might have lost his MJ if I didn’t. had done been there to get it. Sorry, spoiler. And he might have gone down the dark path had it not been for Toby to address his dear angels. I like that, the thought that we’re called there for mindset, for a specific brotherhood reason. It’s beautiful to me.

No Way Home The deleted scene sets the return.5

Before Holland, Zendaya and Jacob could wear Batalon Spider: Come home AND Spider-Man: Far From Home there is no way home With critics, it probably wouldn’t have been as good if Maguire and Garfield hadn’t been included. Rumors of the return of the two actors started after the return of Jamie Foxx (Electro) and Alfred Molina (Doc Oak) were confirmed, and not bringing the previous male actors back would have been a huge missed opportunity. And as Garfield noted in his interview, the connection between the three Peter Parkers was really central to the film’s emotional story.

Superhero movies remained in the best pictures category, with rare exceptions javi panther AND court jester. taking that into account, Spider-Man: No Way Home Not receiving the Best Picture nomination isn’t all that surprising, but it seems the academy has rejected the Marvel movie in other categories. The Oscars are constantly being criticized for removing eight awards from live streams this year and featuring a fan favorite in the Oscars category, so it’s fair to say that many viewers don’t necessarily care how many awards the film wins. † Do not delete any prize wins Spider-Man: No Way Home Overall quality, but Garfield might be too humble to admit that.

Source: La Neta Neta
