Health insurance costs on average more than a hundred euros

The premium for health insurance increases on average by almost nine euros per month, which amounts to more than one hundred euros per year. The differences are large: the premium increases vary from more than two euros per month (more than 25 euros per year) to almost 25 euros (almost 300 euros per year).

This is reported by FBTO has the cheapest basic insurance with a monthly premium of 131.95 euros. This is 5 euros more than this year, an increase of 3.9 percent. VinkVink from Menzis is the second cheapest product with a monthly premium of 132.90 euros. This insurance became 7.90 euros more expensive, an increase of 6.3 percent. Other cheap basic insurance policies are De Friesland (136.95 euros), Zorg en Zekerheid (138.65 euros) and VGZ (138.95 euros).

ZEKUR was the cheapest health insurance for many years. This will no longer be the case in 2024, as the insurer will increase the monthly premium by 24.35 euros. We can explain this increase with the fact that there will be no more limited healthcare purchases in ZEKUR in 2024. Less than half of hospitals had a contract in 2023; next year the supply will be considerably larger.

voluntary exemption

Insured persons can voluntarily increase the deductible from 385 euros to a maximum of 885 euros. The premium will then be lower, but the payment will be lower than in 2023. The average discount in 2024 will be 196 euros per year, a decrease of 20 euros compared to 2023. The decrease is especially large for insurance companies that offer large discounts. The highest discount in 2023 was 322 euros. For 2024 this is 270 euros.

Aevitae offers the cheapest basic insurance with a monthly premium of 119.45 with a deductible of 885 euros. Aevitae is a budget policy that mandates a limited number of healthcare providers. Other cheap basic insurance policies are Zorg en Zekerheid (122.65 euros per month), Menzis (122.75 euros), VinkVink (122.90 euros) and VGZ (122.05 euros).

Source: HealthNet
