The global death toll of covid-19 exceeds 6 million, another sad milestone in the pandemic –

Last month, about 4% of deaths in coffins were reported worldwide.

“The idea of ​​reaching 6 million is really unthinkable when I thought about it two years ago,” said Mitchell Warren, CEO of the HIV prevention organization AVAC, which also promotes the vaccine for global equity. “Everything that has happened in the last 12 months is a sign that we have not been able to translate excellent scientific progress, excellent product development into impact.”

A total of 6 million, the first recorded death from the virus in early 2020, is likely to be missing, experts say, and the public should remain vigilant.

Jennifer Nutso, a professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, said some developing countries do not retain vital statistics or testing resources are limited.

“I think complacency is a real danger, and once the numbers accumulate there is a risk of seeing them only as numbers and not as the lives of missing persons,” Nutso said. He said.

He said Hong Kong’s health system was overloaded with the Omicron version of the virus, “because they have a large number of unvaccinated seniors.”

Nutso added that the Omicron wave reached Asia and Eastern Europe later than other parts of the world and that coronavirus rates are now higher in these regions.

And the United States is not out of the woods yet.

“Americans around the world need to understand that the sooner they get vaccinated, the better,” said Carlos del Rio, a professor of global health at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health. “We still see more than 1,000 deaths a day in the United States, an unacceptably high rate.”

Numerous scientific studies have shown that unvaccinated people are more likely to have worse health outcomes from Covid-19, including more severe symptoms and higher hospitalization and mortality rates than vaccinated people.

This is confirmed by data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 76.5% of the US population received at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine, and 65% received a full course on Sunday.

According to a Neutral Kaiser Family Foundation survey, the portion of the US population that refuses to be vaccinated was largely adamant.

Liz Hammel, director of public opinion and polls for the Kaiser Family Foundation, said “firm waste” consistently represented 12-16% of respondents after the foundation began monitoring vaccine addiction.

While we have seen a decrease in the number of people who claimed to be borderline in the “wait and see” category, and we have seen a small decrease in those who said they would receive it if they needed it. The group denied it from the start and Hamel said: “It was very consistent.”

“It was an even stronger prediction not to surpass in the Republican era,” he said.

On February 25, the CDC issued an updated statement to state and local officials and the public, recommending that masks be worn in the community only in countries with relatively high incidences and overcrowded hospitals. Almost all states loosened their internal requirements to wear the mask at the time the reference was published.

According to the Washington Post, approximately 960,000 people in the United States have died from covidium, representing one in six deaths worldwide.

Wherever this map is found, the more the virus spreads, the greater the likelihood of new variants emerging, said Aditi Nerkur, a Harvard Medical School physician and professor of global health. The Omicron variant was first discovered in South Africa late last year and has rapidly spread to other continents, triggering a resurgence of the pandemic.

Nerkur said the new global death rate shows that the United States cannot declare victory over a pandemic as long as the virus continues to spread in an under-vaccinated world.

Before Russia invaded Ukraine, coronavirus rates were already relatively high in Eastern Europe. Nerkur said global conflicts have historically accelerated the spread of infectious diseases. Researchers say the 1918-1919 flu epidemic was exacerbated by global movements during World War I.

“If you start loosening the masks and removing the vaccination passport requirements, it will affect people’s daily lives and they will start believing that the pandemic is over because all of these changes are happening,” Nerkur said. “And that’s a huge difference from what actually happened.”

Gavi, an alliance of international organizations that advocates for global vaccine equality, said the final phase of the deaths underscored how far the pandemic has ended when billions of people are not affected.

“What is needed now is joint action to vaccinate vaccines as soon as possible and funding so that low-income countries will no longer queue to buy vaccines in the future. “, – He writes in the description of Gavi.

Source: Washington Post
