In the interview with the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, the editor of the newspaper, Augusto Minzolini, makes a premise that is also a wish: with the dem leader “we are on two different planets. drawer the ghosts of the past, because he is convinced that Renzi is not a man of his word. The positive side, however, is only one and it is in the last question”, reveals the director. “You ask if he will recognize the victory of the adversary without aiming at its delegitimization in the country and internationally: ‘Whoever wins governs, it is the democracy of alternation’. We hope they are not just words”, explains Minzolini, who in the long interview addresses many questions , including the left’s attacks on Giorgia Meloni and the authoritarian danger just around the corner if the center-right goes to government.
“Every episode of violence and every threat must be strongly condemned. This has been done. It seems pleonastic to have to point this out. driving motive of election campaigns. In this one he took on a little more exasperated colors than usual, but we got used to it. But no, we don’t get used to false readings. Nobody in the Democratic Party speculated about fascism,” says Letta.
Minzolini recalls how Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke of the post-fascist danger if Meloni wins, and how the famous US intelligence dossier on Putin’s funding turned out to be a soap bubble. “I went to Scholz, which is an expression of a party allied to the Democratic Party, to also speak about our national interests, to make a common front and reach as soon as possible a common European solution on expensive energy. At the risk of interference foreign. “Enter very little. Furthermore, the European Parliament spoke of them months ago and, more recently, with remarkably clear tones, the President of the Council, Mario Draghi. And in this matter we are not referring to legitimate judgments of the leading political interests of other countries, but to the conditioning attempts put in place for years by the Russian regime against European democracies, with Italy at the forefront, putting them on the same level is very serious.
On rights Letta says that “if the center-left wins, Meloni can continue to manage her life as a mother, woman, Catholic, Italian as she pleases. If the right wins and whoever says God, country and family, the risk is to see the contracted rights. individuals, starting with those of women. Just look at what happens in Marche no 194.” We were talking about the last question. was one of the causes of the ruin of this country…”, asks Minzolini. “One of the few things that unites us with Giorgia Meloni, in addition to the respect and courtesy that we reserve between opponents, is a bipolar vision of the political dispute. Right and left. Conservatives and progressives. Whoever wins governs. And I. I don’t have the intention to question the democracy of alternation”, is the purpose of the secretary of the Democratic Party.
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.