It had to be an ace in the hole for the September 25 election given the popularity achieved during the pandemic, but Democratic Party microbiologist Andrea Crisanti is creating more problems than anything else. The last grain linked to the candidate chosen by Enrico Letta is an interview with the daily Fact in which the scientist lets himself be carried away by considerations not quite in line with the dem narrative.
For example, while Letta reiterates every pious impulse that we must continue in Mario Draghi’s wake to fight the centre-right. Crissanti says exactly the opposite: “The result of the Draghi government could be the victory of Giorgia Meloni, we must take those votes back”.
Regarding the explosion of the Pd-Movement 5 Stelle axis, the microbiologist from the University of Padua explains that he does not know “completely the reasons for the breakup between Letta and Giuseppe Conte; Letta would have had her legitimate reasons, but for me and for others in the Democratic Party it is difficult to understand: the programs of the Democratic Party and the 5S are very similar. The Democratic Party’s adherence to the Atlantic Alliance and European values is unconditional and I agree with that 100% ” , says the scientist. In short, not even the candidates’ demos know why the Pd and M5s are not in the same coalition, and they see no program differences between the two parties.
Crisanti also addresses the issue of vaccines, and reserves an impetus for Europe and in particular for the executive of Ursula von der Leyen: “The EU Commission gave itself to the producers of anti-Covid vaccines. It was an emergency situation, let’s look at We started talking about the NRRR, the Solidarity Fund, the common public debt, European citizenship, the European armed forces, decisions taken by majority”, explains the dem candidate in the Europe section.
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.