The president of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti, would be accused by the Court of Auditors of a tax loss in excess of 11 million euros. The Democratic Party secretary and candidate for Parliament, along with the head of Civil Protection Tulumello, would have caused the abyss in public accounts by entrusting Frascati’s Ecotech Srl to supply millions of masks. Contracts would have been paid in advance, but largely would not be honored. All this is discussed in the article published by Giacomo Amadori in La Verità. Therefore, the Corte dei Conte would be willing to ask Zingaretti and Tulumello to return the money directly.
In the past, the spotlight of history was also turned on by Chiara Colosimo of Fratelli d’Italia. It is a history made of assignments, revocations and new assignments of contracts. In the columns of “La Verità” the coordinator of the advocacy of the Lazio Region also speaks, confirming: «These things are personal things, eh, Zingaretti and Tulumello are invested personally, the Region as a body has nothing to do with it. They defend themselves with private lawyers. Liability for tax damages lies with Zingaretti and Tulumello.”
At the heart of the Court of Auditors’ dispute would be precisely the contradictory behavior of the Civil Protection, which would first revoke some contracts and then make others shortly afterwards. To then “cancel them definitively when it was too late to recover the deposit – explains the coordinating lawyer – Of course, this is a very painful story because we are talking about public money that we will never recover. has been deciding for months, even though the company has nothing left”.
At that moment, the floor passes to the Attorney of the Court of Auditors who, after reading the defensive arguments, will decide whether to file or issue a subpoena and ask the president to schedule the hearing. And it will also be necessary to understand whether the mistakes made by Zingaretti and Tulumello are remedied by the penal shield guaranteed by the emergency decrees issued by the Conte 2 government.
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.