Emma Bonino show on The Last Word, the special of Tg La 7 with Enrico Mentana’s interviews with the political leaders involved in the elections on Sunday, September 25th. Senator + Europe spared no surprises and jokes, ending the face-to-face with the news director with a punch at the marathon’s next guest, Gianluigi Paragone of Italexit.
During the interview Bonino explains that “I wanted to be Minister of Defence, but they told me that I didn’t have a physique… Europe that was twice Minister of International Cooperation and Foreign Affairs. About the legalization of marijuana, he said that the best solution would be to allow the possession and cultivation of up to four marijuana seedlings. Regarding the attention paid to VAT numbers, he then said: “I am sensitive because I have them at home”.
In conclusion, Bonino wants to be as explicit as possible: “Vote for me, vote for Europe, you won’t regret it”, and in front of an astonished Mentana he says: “I’m not a hypocrite”: then the curious question is answered when the maestro is about to to fire the senator announcing the next guest, Gianluigi Paragone “leader of Italexit, which is the opposite of + Europa …” states Mentana. “Who knows where he’s going…” is Bonino’s punch to his “colleague”.
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.