Unrepresentative, difficult for voters to understand and, in many places, completely ineffective. In practice, a norm that needs to be changed. And quickly. The electoral law returns to the center of the debate for a story that, starting in Perugia, spreads like wildfire throughout Italy. As reported by Corriere dell’Umbria, the seat count is still on the high seas. And far from right. Because of the so-called pinball effect. “The rearrangement of seats with calculation of quotients and leftovers – renamed with the name of the expensive bar game for gray hair – has not yet provided definitive data.” Three days after the vote, there is still no certainty of the exact number of deputies and senators from Pd and Forza Italia, Lega and Verdi. Simply absurd.
“According to the secretary of the Radicals of Perugia, Michele Guaitini, the third elected (surprisingly) of the Democratic Party, Pierluigi Spinelli, would be the result of an error in the configuration of the Ministry’s software, implemented on a national scale, in + Europe. That does not reach 3% and, therefore, does not participate in the allocation of seats, but its 2.83% must be accounted for – unlike those who compete alone – for the reference coalition that is the center-left. The center-left in constituencies received a far lower number than they were entitled to, thus unleashing a mega pinball machine to give them those seats. The result was an erroneous allocation of seats. Which were then quantified at least 28. In place of Spinelli for Guaitini, Emma Pavanelli of M5S must go. And not only that: FI should also have a seat, with Catia Polidori, in place of FdI’s second in the Chamber (Chiara La Porta who would give way to Marco Squarta). In short, there is a risk of overturning during the race. We may have to wait until Monday for the proclamation of the elect.” After having drawn up the list of ministers, having voted on the budget and having resolved the intricate but fundamental issue of expensive gas, the new government will have to deal with Rosatellum. One of the worst electoral laws ever written in our country.
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.