After Antonio Tajani, it’s Matteo Salvini’s turn. The first meeting after the elections between Giorgia Meloni and the secretary of the League lasts about an hour, the office of the president of the FdI in Montecitorio is staged. This is a first assessment of the formation of the government and the agenda to be pursued. The meeting – informs a note from the two parties – takes place “in a climate of great collaboration and unity of purpose”, with the two leaders expressing “satisfaction with the confidence given by the Italians to the coalition” and reiterating “the great sense of responsibility that this result entails”. Meloni and Salvini – confirm Lega and FdI – take stock of the situation and the priorities and urgencies on the agenda of the government and Parliament, also in light of the complex situation that Italy is experiencing. In the evening, Salvini posted a video in which he comments on how the work proceeds “day and night” and the attention is focused “not on the seats, the names and the ministries, but on the real emergencies of the country and, therefore, addressing the faces after all, the problem of security, quality of life.” The secretary of Carroccio summoned all elected parliamentarians for this afternoon to compact the party and relaunch the war horses, from autonomy to Cota 41.
Topics that caught Meloni’s attention, along with the expensive bill, the extension of the single tax, fiscal peace with the dismantling of invoices. «At work united, without controversy, but with clear ideas», the «chorus». Among the topics of the summit was also “how to defend and protect borders”. The League insists on the Ministry of the Interior. “We need someone to return to defend and protect borders, laws, law enforcement and security in Italy. We have some ideas,” he says. Of course Salvini is thinking of himself. Plan B offers Nicola Molteni as a first option. The Northern League leader claims one of four top-tier ministries: Interior, Justice, Defense and Foreign Affairs. The first choice remains the Ministry of the Interior. The second option envisions Giulia Bongiorno as the Keeper of the Seals. On the centre-right, for the post of minister of the interior, Piantedosi is always mentioned with a deputy minister of the League, even if the Northern League prefers its own political exponent. If not for Salvini, the leader could be deputy prime minister and minister of agriculture. The possibility of making two deputies’ debuts is not ruled out, as long as these functions are occupied by the main exponents of the allied parties: Salvini, by the way, and Antonio Tajani (who would also have a significant ministry: Foreign Affairs or Defense). In this case, the presidency of the Chamber would go to the League with Giancarlo Giorgetti and the Senate could be chaired by Annamaria Bernini (FI) or Ignazio La Russa (FdI). “Neither today nor in recent days has there been talk of names, positions, powers of attorney or separation of ministries and there is no basis in the press about alleged vetoes, as well as the news already denied by Palazzo Chigi about a Meloni pact. Draghi”, explain FdI sources. “I find it quite surreal that certain publishers invent my quotes out of thin air, publishing completely arbitrary reconstructions. Tranquility: the united center-right won the elections and is ready to govern. Enough with the mystification”, writes Meloni on Facebook.
As for Giorgia Meloni, faithful to the task of working without getting lost in chatter, the FdI president leaves the Chamber at a fast pace after a long day of work made up of interviews and meetings and greets the journalists. «I don’t make statements – he clarifies – I’m always optimistic. That’s what brought me here.” During the day, Meloni made a point with his collaborators. Particular attention is paid to the costly energy and energy supply files also in light of recent developments in the international arena. After the congratulations of the President of Ukraine Zelensky (followed, among others, by the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic and current President of the EU, Fiala; the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Truss; the Prime Minister of Poland, Morawiecki ), the President of the FdI also received those of the Prime Minister Indian Minister Modi thanked on Twitter for Meloni (as well as other foreign leaders).
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.