In the Democratic Party, the women’s protest explodes: we are only a third of the elected

There is another problem in the Democratic Party besides choosing a new secretary. The women of the party are not at all satisfied with the way the elections were conducted, as only a third of the parliamentarians are women, 36 out of 102. Monica Cirinnà and Alessia Morani protest, as well as Chiara Gribaudo, recently re-elected with the Democrat. “The Democratic Party is a patriarchal party – says Adnkronos – But this is not new. We saw this with the three ministers of the Draghi government. We were offered female sub-government roles. My name was also circulating as undersecretary. We said no.’
And nothing has changed since then?

“There are current logics that were the basis for the choice of those three ministers and that evidently also have an impact on the composition of the lists”.
Have you ever seen the video where some girls accuse Laura Boldrini and the Democratic Party of not doing enough for 194? Hasn’t this “patriarchal culture” made the Democratic Party feel distant from women’s issues?

“I did what I could as far as I was concerned. I made the equal pay law. I made a woman win in Cuneo. Feminism is practiced, not done in words».

Now comes the congress…

“But you can’t solve all this with a secretary. We need to radically change the patriarchal culture that still survives in the Democratic Party. And this is a Congressional theme, not names. A female secretary is not enough to change a culture.”
Maybe it also makes you think a little that the first woman to arrive at Palazzo Chigi is from the right, or not?

“No, it’s not because Meloni is here. We don’t need an alter ego of Meloni – one that doesn’t help women, but rather a cultural shift. There’s a lot to discuss. That’s why I say it’s a congress theme. And we must also ask ourselves about the meaning of some of our modalities. As the Women’s Conference Pd. Spaces are always useful as long as they don’t become fences».

Source: IL Tempo
