Meloni meets Berlusconi: high-level government, priority over expensive energy. And speak for the first time

Fast-paced towards centre-right government. This morning a meeting was held between the president of Fratelli d’Italia, Giorgia Meloni, and the president of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi. During the interview, which took place – explains the joint note – in a climate of great collaboration and unity of purpose, the two leaders reiterated their satisfaction with the center-right’s affirmation in the political elections and took stock of the current political situation. Meloni and Berlusconi then explored the most urgent dossiers on the agenda, starting with expensive energy. The two leaders then discussed the next institutional steps in view of the convening of the next Parliament and shared the need for Italy to have a high-level government capable of dealing with the serious emergencies facing the country.

Meloni then spoke at the Coldiretti event in Milan, the one that represents his first official public appearance with statements after the September 25 elections: “I am in contact with the government, I trust that in the end there will be margins to place I seek a solution on the price ceiling, but we must know that this will impact the accounts in the coming months. The work now is to try to understand how to intervene in the autumn energy costs because we cannot continue like this, this is the primary responsibility of the future government”.

“These days – added the FdI’s number one – I chose to limit my public outings to dedicate myself wholeheartedly to addressing the most urgent issues that politics will have to deal with in the coming months. If we are called to govern, we plan to give immediate and effective responses to our nation. As we said in the electoral campaign, we want to change the relationship between the State and companies, our compass is very simple, it doesn’t bother those who want to do it, create wealth, produce jobs, who violates hiring. We want to give the country an industrial strategy that it hasn’t had for a long time”. A river conversation about tomorrow’s program: “Italy must return to defending its interests in order to find common solutions. Reading today’s newspapers, many will have understood that when we said that in Europe we started by defending national interests to reach common solutions, we were not doing so because we were populist, but because we were lucid. If we – Meloni concluded – think at the national level that we can offset the cost of bills that continue to rise, that means giving money to speculation. The question is how the speculation stops.”

Source: IL Tempo
