Dear energy, Giorgia Meloni sets priorities: “Enough money for speculators”

Interlocution day in the centre-right, after the meetings between the leaders that took place this week. Giorgia Meloni dives back into the most urgent dossiers (expensive bills, energy supply, economic maneuvering, taxes and taxation, invoices, Pnrr, foreign policy) and does not hide how any government intervention in energy costs is insufficient if it does not stop the gas price speculation. That’s why the price cap remains critical. In fact, inevitable.

“The priority – writes the president of Fratelli d’Italia on Twitter – is to put an end to gas speculation. Continuing indefinitely to offset the cost of the bills by giving money to those who are getting rich on the backs of citizens and companies would be a mistake”.

In front of the formation of the new government, if on the one hand the totoministri goes crazy, on the other hand the names of the parties do not leak. On the contrary. The mantra is always the same: he will be a high-level executive, able to face the many emergencies that weigh on the country. Merit and competence before political affiliation. The password always remains the same: responsibility.

“Precisely because of the things that Giorgia Meloni said, the roles of each of us are marginal: we have a historic opportunity, the serious and reserved work of the FdI leader denotes respect for the country’s situation and a marginalization of the roles of individuals. We are a team around Giorgia, everyone’s role is small compared to the program ahead of us,” Raffaele Fitto, FdI exponent and co-chair of the European Conservatives and Reformists group in Strasbourg, told SkyTg24. The League, for its part, makes it known in a note that “Matteo Salvini is committed to ensuring that” Il Carroccio “gives Italy the best possible government team: on Tuesday another Federal Council is on the agenda to share and then choose the There is great optimism: the League is anxious for this government to get to work”.

But Maurizio Lupi, political leader of Noi Moderati, fourth leg of the centre-right, also invites us to find the solution to the country’s problems first and then the names of the ministers: “The attitude of Giorgia Meloni, who decided not to address the issue of the names and ministerial boxes to be filled in, thinking about practical things, must be appreciated. The Italians, with their vote, asked us to think about the issues on the table, to put the State at the service of families and companies”.

From Forza Italia, Antonio Tajani reiterates Silvio Berlusconi’s line, contrary to the technical ministers. “We are in favor of a political government, so if there is someone who has experience of being in government without being a parliamentarian it can happen, but cases should not be the rule”, explains the vice president and national coordinator of FI .SkyTg24. The technicians, then, if any, must have “a political, non-partisan involvement, sharing the government’s choices”.

Tajani rejects the scheme of defining which ministries can be occupied by technicians: “It is a question of the quality of the people, it is not an issue linked to the ministries. It is premature to appoint the ministers, everyone will do what is decided, now what matters is the necessary content, criteria and profiles». Tajani then denies having had any friction with Meloni and Salvini and describes the future executive: “A government that has broad-shouldered, competent women and men, ready to face the difficult challenges we face, with dear to war accounts. It is a complicated time and we need a solid government that is able to guarantee the stability of the country for 5 years, the Italians are asking and the EU and US allies are asking for it. The leaders, Meloni, Berlusconi and Salvini, are working hard for this”.

As for the request for equal weight to the league in the next team of ministers, Tajani recalled: “Berlusconi said on Saturday: equal dignity means having a specific weight equal to that of the League within a government in which we are decisive, we had the same votes.”

Source: IL Tempo
