While the Democratic Party has just embarked on the tortuous path that will lead them to choose their new secretary, other opposition forces are working hard to give him a funeral. Exponents of Article 1 (the party led by Roberto Speranza increasingly contested by the rank and file) and the Italian left, along with civil society figures, are launching an initiative to create a new “progressive pole” together with the 5 Star Movement.
The objective is to take advantage of the current crisis of the Democratic Party to give birth to a “left-wing network” that, in synergy with M5S, becomes the sole guardian of reformist and progressive values. It is not by chance that the guidelines we aim at are twofold: pacifism and the protection of workers. The presence of Giuseppe Conte two days ago in the square of Rome on the occasion of the CGIL demonstration did not go unnoticed. “Safety at work is the priority of the new legislature. We need a lot between politics and the social partners. The M5s is ready to play its part”, said the head of pentastellato. And he is the leader in pectore of the new progressive pole. We read in black and white in the appeal letter, published by Il Fatto Quotidiano, and signed among others by Loredana De Petris, Stefano Fassina, Alfonso Pecoraro Scanio, Paolo Cento, Claudio Grassi, Eugenio Mazzarella, Pina Fasciani, Giuseppe Libutti, Paolo Borioni and Maurizio Brotini. Personalities that come from Art. 1, from the Italian left and the greens. “On September 25, for the first time, hundreds of thousands of women and men of the left and ecologists chose the progressive director of the 5-star Movement led by Giuseppe Conte – write the promoters of the initiative – To strengthen it, we propose to start the articulation between women and men in politics, social representation, active citizenship and culture, a national and territorial network that, with political and organizational autonomy, but without any ambition to found another “party”, relates to the M5S and works to build of the conditions for a regenerated and credible progressive pole”. Aquário), which will also be attended by President Giuseppe Conte. It will be an opportunity to support the proposal, launched in recent days, of a national demonstration to stop the military escalation and peace in Ukraine”.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is watching. But there are those who are aware of the risks. “I want the Democratic Party to reopen a dialogue with the 5 stars because I believe it should not be surpassed by M5S on issues of peace, work, the fight against poverty and overcoming inequalities”. There are also those who believe that the Democratic Party has had its day. And that the only solution is to do a clean sweep. Entrepreneur and publisher Carlo De Benedetti is convinced of this: “The Democratic Party must dissolve, for a simple reason, it is concerned with the haves and not with the have-nots. A progressive party that takes that attitude is doomed to failure, which it rightly did.”
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.