Democratic torments dominate Democrats. On the night of the September 25 elections, redde rationem started on the left to identify responsibilities and, above all, strategies for rebirth. But the road is still very long and, above all, there are no strategies that can lead to positive results. Former party exponents like Achille Occhetto, who rejects the Democratic ruling class with no ifs and buts, are also aware of this. «Allow me some advice for Letta, Conte, Calenda, Fratoianni and for all those who call themselves leftists: get together in a room, look each other in the eye and ask yourself: do we want to continue playing rubamazzetto? Or do you ask yourself the most serious problem? In Italy and Europe a new reactionary wave is under way, which will not be fascism, but which is otherwise dangerous. I believe that an examination of conscience is urgent”. Thus, for La Stampa Achille Occhetto, for whom the 6 months of time it took the Democratic Party to give itself a new management team and redefine an identity “are many, but I am more concerned with the conjunction between 6 months and a false start . Letta said important things, no more governments of national unity, ahead with a new generation, no choice between Conte and Calenda. Necessary but not sufficient things. The basic question is still missing: which identity? Better yet: which soul? ».
Almost none of the consortium leaders intervened in the management: a «doroteo» tactic? “The leaders have already started major tactical maneuvers, which are of no use to the party. If it is true that the first thing to think about is the redefinition of a broader identity, so far the most wrong thing was to conceive the Democratic Party as an isolated subject. For about twenty years we had an Italy split in two like an apple, but the boundary between right and left never moved.” For Occhetto, “the Democratic Party brings with it a factory defect, the one that prevented me from joining the new party and made me say then: it is a cold fusion of devices and not, as it should be, a happy contamination of ideals, cultures different, ex-communist, socialist, Catholic, secular. Instead, there was an overlap. Result: the Democratic Party has no soul».
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.