New Government, Meloni dictates the line: “Authoritarian and of the highest level”

Solve as soon as possible the knot linked to the presidency of the Chambers, which will meet for the first time on Thursday, find an agreement with Lega and Forza Italia in the team of the future center-right executive. These are the priorities of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. For this Wednesday, the president of the FDI should meet again, this time in Rome, with Silvio Berlusconi and Matteo Salvini. Among the coalition’s allies, on the other hand, discussions have dragged on for days to seek a possible solution that does not disappoint anyone.

The goal is to be ready, possibly without having to immediately deal with a few long faces. Meloni reiterates this during the speech given in the chamber of the Chamber’s groups on the occasion of the assembly of the party’s elected representatives in Parliament. “If and when the President of the Republic entrusts us with the task, we intend to be ready and as quickly as possible, including in the formation of the Government – words of the leader of the Conservatives -. energy supply and the budget law. Because our objective is to compete, because we cannot and do not want to waste time. All we will do is defend the Italians and we will never be willing to make choices that go against the national interest”. So here’s the message for Lega, which has been sending ‘desired’ to ministries for days, and for Forza Italia, which asks for equality of dignity in the future executive. “I said to the allies – Meloni’s words – and also to you who are the team of the Brothers of Italy in Parliament: we intend to create an authoritarian and high-level government, which starts with skills. secondary to that objective”.

In short, put aside seams (for example, those related to the presence on the team of Licia Ronzulli) or claims (such as the Ministry of the Interior indicated on several occasions by Carroccio). At the “methodological level”, however, Berlusconi also pauses during an interview with Giornale, pointing out that “there is not, there cannot be, among allies, vetoes or prejudices against someone. In our case, we could never accept it”. Furthermore, guarantees the Cav, “we will not proceed with the ‘Cencelli manual’ used in the First Republic to divide government positions according to the weight of individual political forces, but we will use efficiency, concreteness, capacity as first criterion for choosing the job demonstrated over time by each candidate”. To implement the line, it will still be necessary to go through the summit scheduled for the next few days. However, Meloni, speaking with the parliamentarians, underlines the sense of “responsibility of having to face a government challenge in the most difficult condition in which Italy could find itself”. “We broke all the molds, creating several short circuits on the left and in the mainstream. We are something completely different from anything that has been seen so far – explains the Fdi president, greeted by applause and stadium chants as she enters the classroom – We are not inspired by anyone, but we are our history and we would like to be a model of inspiration for others tomorrow. We brought for the first time the Italian right to have coalition leadership in the face of a government challenge. fully responsible and we intend to face it with seriousness and competence”. To do this, it is essential to get out without tripping.

That is why the modalities and timing of the election of the Speakers of the House and Senate will serve in some way to understand the state of the art within the coalition. Meloni for Palazzo Madama focuses on Ignazio La Russa, while Salvini seems to want to contrast Roberto Calderoli’s name until the very end. If the League’s proposal is not approved, the secretary could ‘resort’ to Montecitorio’s presidency with Riccardo Molinari or Giancarlo Giorgetti. The owner of Mise was also approached by Mef, where, however, by the end of the sections of via della Scrofa it is hoped to convince Fabio Panetta (perhaps also counting on a possible intervention by Colle). The alternative remains Domenico Siniscalco, but the name of the president of Banca Intesa’s Imi division, Gaetano Miccichè, has also begun to circulate. For Farnesina, Elisabetta Belloni’s prices fall (“I won’t be a minister because I do other work”, words of the director of Dis intercepted by reporters near Montecitorio), and those of the FI’s national coordinator, Antonio Tajani, continue to rise (also approached the Defense along with Guido Crosetto and Adolfo Urso). Mayor of Rome Matteo Piantedosi must go to Viminale. Giulia Bongiorno of the League is also on the side of the Interior, but could end up in Justice (where Carlo Nordio of the FDI and Elisabetta Casellati of the FI are also in the running) or the Public Administration. For Health, the names are Francesco Rocca, president of the Italian Red Cross, and Guido Bertolaso. Licia Ronzulli, ‘sponsored’ by Berlusconi, is associated with Education or Infrastructure, the latter department also targeted by the League with Salvini (or Edoardo Rixi, while for Agriculture, together with the Captain, the name of another Northern League is mentioned, Gian Marco Centinaio). Meanwhile, rumors are running through the buildings about the possibility that in the end the dicasteries will not find room for the South. Republic that should be held in the middle of next week (18-19 October, hypothetical dates) and the appointment of the President of the Council, which should be conferred only after the European Council of 20 and 21, in which the Prime Minister outgoing will still participate Mario Draghi.

Source: IL Tempo
