Energy, Mattarella encourages the EU: “Intolerable speculation, remedy”

Sergio Mattarella raises his voice with Europe. Speculation about increases in energy prices to the detriment of citizens is “intolerable” and “only the European Union has the strength to intervene in price automatisms” to plan and implement “from now on the instruments to promote recovery” .

Sergio Mattarella is clear and – before the Knights and Bearers of Work awarded on the 2nd of June – he encourages Europe that “struggles to express a policy of solidarity and cohesion in the economic and social consequences of this war”. It is the day when the conflict in the territories of Ukraine increases, the trail of victims increases by the hour and the level of tension rises dangerously. And the head of state does not mince words when defining “unfortunate” the war caused by Russia, which has assumed “an unacceptable right of aggression”. Today more than ever, Mattarella noted, “peace is urgent and necessary” and “the way to build it is through the restoration of truth, international law, the freedom of the Ukrainian people.” From the Quirinale, therefore, without hesitation, on the contrary, the president warns that “Europe is the target of this war” and therefore “has the duty of a unitary and coherent response”.

However, the effects of the conflict on the citizens of the European community are the focus of the speech of the Head of State, who in harsh words urges the Member States to intervene “it is necessary to protect companies and families in the most acute phases of the crisis because otherwise tomorrow will be compromised”. “The cooling of the prices of energy raw materials must be combined with the strengthening of the European Energy Plan which, with the involvement of the European Investment Bank, was put into practice to face the crisis”, words that give strength to the mission of Mario Draghi at the last European Council as Prime Minister on 20 October. The price of gas on the roof and measures to support the most affected states, these are the questions on which Europe’s cohesion and unity will be measured. And Mattarella has no doubts: “This needs to be remedied. The risks of social marginalization, recession, inflation, with impoverishment of the country’s productive base are revealed.” Colle’s tenant – who will pay a state visit to the Netherlands in November, one of the countries most hostile to common measures against rising energy prices – insists: “The reasons for the energy market seem to create obstacles” and “The responsibility of institutions is exactly to remove them”. A message is also in store for Germany: “Realizing that the illusion of national responses is destined to continue like this, Europe has decided to adopt extraordinary policies to accompany the fresh start and accelerate towards sustainability and innovation, in order to make the continent a vanguard of the economy of tomorrow”. It is in this context that Mattarella places Italy, a country with “extraordinary results” in terms of GDP growth, which cannot and must not “miss the challenge” of the NRP. Obviously, the Head of State does not take into account the corrections advanced by the Brothers of Italy – who are preparing to govern with Giorgia MELONI – to the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience, but he warns: Italy, “the most financial package was that it consists of financing the National Recovery and Resilience Plans “and” the first part of the path is completed, we must continue to respect the times and commitments. We cannot squander this opportunity for renewal and development, useful to correct and accelerate the necessary structural corrections to our economy. also of our role in Europe, which must be a driving force”. Of course, notes Colle’s tenant,” new unknowns are weighing in today, bleak horizons are foreseen, but it is necessary to know how to start from these excellent results to build the future with confidence”. prevent us from dedicating ourselves fervently to our missions, in the interests of Italy”, hope, because “we have solid foundations to think about the future and to build it together”.

Source: IL Tempo
