Returning to the Ministry of Economy, there is agreement within the centre-right. The white smoke is told by Affari Italiani, who explains how doubts fell over the name of Giancarlo Giorgetti, destined to collect the legacy of Daniele Franco al Mef. “For Lega it would be a source of great satisfaction and pride to play an important role in the Economy and Finance as well. Women and men from Salvini’s party have already held prestigious government positions demonstrating their value in strategic sectors such as Interior, Infrastructure, Economic Development, Agricultural Policy, Ecological Transition, Tourism, People with Disabilities or Autonomies. It is an honor that new and significant awards arrive in these hours that attest to the centrality and reliability of the League “a statement came from Carroccio sources to the place at the end of the summit between Salvini, Giorgetti himself, Lorenzo Fontana, Ricardo Molinari and Edoardo Rixi.
Even from Giorgia Meloni’s party, which did not find the availability of the technicians at the top of the list of favorites for the role, they confirm: “Giorgetti to the Economy is very close”. Also from Carroccio they made it known that “Salvini has not given up on the idea of returning to the Ministry of the Interior”. give up other positions on their own to achieve the goal.
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.