European elections, Carlo Calenda launches the single party with Matteo Renzi

A marriage of convenience, which is about to turn into a stable and lasting union. At least for the times and dynamics of modern Italian politics. “With Renzi we will work as we have done so far, the same symbol, logo, structure and then we will calmly give life to a single party that will certainly be ready for the next Europeans, liberal democrats, who will welcome people who come from the reformist world. , popular and liberal. , which Italy needs. A party of pragmatism and good governance. And to always be anchored in the past, I remember that politics is the art of government.” Words and music by newly elected senator Carlo Calenda, interviewed at the reception of Palazzo Madama.

A declaration of love for the native of Rignano that makes many members of the Democratic Party turn up their noses, convinced that the former mayor of Florence, sooner or later, will return to the matrix. A return of the prodigal son, which the current Reform Base, headed by Andrea Marcucci, senator for another day, looks on with interest. Calenda then presented his theses on the next Meloni government. “The situation is very open, it will be necessary to see what the government will be and what will happen in the opposition. What I know is how we are going to make the opposition: with the proposal to halve the bills…. that is, by making constructive opposition. But if Meloni, as Vox said, wants to transform Italy into Poland, our opposition will no longer be constructive, but very tough, even on the streets”. Finally, a mention of the topic of the moment: dear energy. “If the government brings in the Piombino regasification plant, we will vote in favor. But if the government doesn’t do things, we will press on. We will do what we did with the law plan, propose concrete and viable things”.

Source: IL Tempo
