Pagnoncelli freezes Floris (and Letta…): what Italians think of Putin and Zelensky

The Democratic Party and the left launch themselves to war, with Secretary Enrico Letta who will be present on Thursday, October 13, at the protest in front of the Russian embassy in Rome organized by various associations alongside Laura Boldrini, Lia Quartapelle , Brando Benifei and Matteo Orfini . The dems underline their support for Ukraine, while Giuseppe Conte’s 5 Star Movement – which does not want to demonstrate alongside the Democratic Party, but in the national demonstration due to be held in early November – is in favor of stopping the shipment of weapons. . During Dimartedì, Giovanni Floris’ broadcast on La7, Nando Pagnoncelli showed research that explains in part what Italians think about it and also some reasons for the dem consensus crisis (and the rise of grillini).

“We asked Italians what the solutions could be to end the conflict – said the poll in the episode of Tuesday, October 11 – 60% believe that this is the time” for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to “accept” Vladimir Putin , while 27% are of the opinion that Kiev should be defeated against Moscow.

That said, the researcher enters into the merits of expectations about the party led, at least until the congress, by Letta. “But what position should the Democratic Party take at this moment? The absolute majority believes that it should vigorously support dialogue with Putin and 26%, instead, believe that it should support Zelensky in the all-out fight against Putin. 17% do not express themselves.” it is the data thrown by Pagnincelli, destined to confuse even more the leaders of the dem.

Source: IL Tempo
