There is agreement in the centre-right over the Speakers of the House and Senate. “There is an agreement. There are no problems”, assures Fdi’s senator Giovanbattista Fazzolari, speaking to Montecitorio. The exponent of the party Giorgia Meloni does not mention names, but in pole position are Ignazio La Russa of FdI for the second position of the State and the player of the Northern League Riccardo Molinari for the Chamber.
About the names of the government, Fazzolari says that “there was never any specific critical issue…”, responds to those who ask him if the impasse of the toto-ministers was unblocked overnight. So, is the stumbling block represented by Licia Ronzulli also overcome?, ask the chroniclers. “I repeat: there are no particular criticisms, as it is always a matter of finding an articulation”. Meloni, Salvini and Silvio Berlusconi will meet today. The summit between the center-right leaderships “” serves to better outline the picture “, said the senator.
La Russa himself, nominated as the next president of the Senate, arriving at the group’s offices in the House said: “Everything is going well for the coalition. I am optimistic.” “The situation in Italy is not easy, we cannot waste time,” said FdI leader Giorgia Meloni of the Senate presidency. With Salvini and Berlusconi “we’ll see each other later, but I’m optimistic,” she concluded. The agreement on the presidency of the House and Senate could unravel the government puzzle that could soon see the light.
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.