Almost everything is ready for the start of the new legislature, which will see both House and Senate members reduced following the reform of the parliamentary court. The deputies in Montecitorio go from 615 to 400, in the Senate the elected drop from 315 to 200.The newspaper”the cut of parliamentarians will affect the functioning of the two elective assemblies and, therefore, the House and Senate regulations must be adapted to the new numbers to ensure the full functioning of Parliament.
An operation, he points out”the newspaper”, which in the Senate was completed while in the Chamber n. A “poisoned gift” from the outgoing president of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, to his successor. It’s not a technicality: failure to pass the regulations threatens to break parliamentary activity. At Palazzo Madama, the standing committees have decreased from 14 to 10, thanks to a consolidation of the competences of some and this means that the medium-small groups will have one or two senators in each committee with extended competences. In order to allow the participation of senators in the sessions of the Commissions and to guarantee the quorum, it was therefore introduced the obligation for the Commissions to meet in parallel to the sessions of the Chamber with the consequent need to build a shared calendar that allows them to also participate in senators who form part of various committees. In the Chamber of Deputies, on the other hand, the number of standing committees remains unchanged: 14. Reducing the number of parliamentarians will prevent smaller parties from having a presence in all committees. A variable that can jeopardize quorum and quorum, thus creating a traffic jam at the beginning of the legislature. Another change must also concern the bicameral commissions, that is, the commissions composed of senators and deputies. Important guarantee commissions such as Copasir, Rai Supervisão and Antimafia are important. As the number of members has not changed, convocations should be avoided in conjunction with standing committee, House and Senate sessions. Another problem to be solved is the minimum number of deputies and senators needed to form a parliamentary bench. In the Senate, the regulation was adapted to the court: before 10 senators were needed, today 7 are enough. In the Chamber, the regulation was not changed: 20 deputies will be needed to form a group. A case that concerns, for example, the Third Pole (the alliance of Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda) that will manage to form the group by a hair’s breadth, with 21 deputies. Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli’s list of 12 deputies remains out.
The appointment is for tomorrow at 10 with the start of the works. In Montecitorio, the new regulation will have to be launched quickly to avoid paralysis. One option to be excluded given the importance of the next measures to be approved: the Chamber will have to analyze the budget law in three weeks, which will be incorporated into the commission. And in this regard, the question is whether the maneuver will be examined by the old commission or by the new one with the new regulation that takes the cut into account. An uncertainty that pressures the beginning of the legislature, since in order to proceed with the approval of the new regulation it is necessary to establish the presidency. If the timing of the election of the Montecitorio summit is quick, a different speech for the choice of secretaries, vice-presidents and quaestors where agreement between the parliamentary groups must be found. A nice gift left by Roberto Fico.
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.