Government, Toto-Ministers Still Going Crazy: Meloni Says No to Berlusconi About Mise and Justice

The president of the Council in pectore Giorgia Meloni interrupts the hypothesis of an exponent of Forza Italia in the Department of Economic Development and Justice. This is what is filtered out at the end of the meeting that the president of the Brothers of Italy had today with Silvio Berlusconi in Villa Grande. The FdI president would have advanced the possibility that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will go to an exponent of Forza Italia and the name at stake is Antonio Tajani. But Forza Italia is calling for more weight in the government with an ‘A-band’ department. Because at the table would be ministries considered unimportant for the representation of the party in the coalition.

Berlusconi reportedly argued that the objective is to keep the coalition together, but underlined the fact that Forza Italia is not present in the ‘scheme’ of the Chambers which could include an exponent of the Brothers of Italy in the Palazzo Madama and one of the Lega in the Chamber. Hence the request for greater balance in the executive. As for the group’s vice president in the Senate, Licia Ronzulli, there would be a ministry without a portfolio on the table. Now there are evaluations in progress, there are those in the FI who do not rule out that if there is no change in the negotiation, they could become the party leader in the Senate. It will also be discussed in the coming hours until before the vote on the presidency at Palazzo Madama.

Fratelli d’Italia expects a test of compactness with the party president determined to speed up the composition of the executive. “We are convinced – notes an exponent of the FdI – that the coalition will be compact, I don’t think there is anyone who cannot vote for La Russa or say no to trust in the government”. In the blue group there is no hidden irritation, with the Knight who would not have liked his ally’s attitude. The next moves within the Berlusconi movement are already being studied.

Source: IL Tempo
