Government, Ronzulli problem solved: the decision on the ministry. The pressing of the Berlusconi family

In a busy day of meetings, agreements signed and then questioned, the chances of seeing Forza Italia senator and Berlusconi supporter Licia Ronzulli on the future government team decline. It is said – writes Adnkronos – that the same Cav family, starting with their eldest daughter, Marina, would not have liked Ronzulli’s activism and Marta Fascina’s pressure on her behalf. If he does, it will be for a ministry without a wallet.

And if the national coordinator of the FI Antonio Tajani appears increasingly ‘thrown’ to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the other two ‘heavy’ requests from Berlusconi (Economic Development and Justice) would meet strong resistance from Giorgia Meloni and the Brothers of ‘Italy. ‘. Anyway, we continue to negotiate. Among the eligible candidates are always Anna Maria Bernini and Alessandro Cattaneo. Instead, we are moving towards an agreement on mayors: the center-right concentrated on Ignazio La Russa in Palazzo Madama and Riccardo Molinari in Montecitorio.

Source: IL Tempo
