Nicola Zingaretti resigns in three weeks: by voting in the Lazio region

Nicola Zingaretti will resign from the presidency of the Lazio region within three weeks. Then the time will come to go to new regional elections. “The regional legislature is over. We approved the related budget on the board that is about to go to the board, very important. It can be done in two or three weeks, I’ll resign soon after.” So Nicola Zigaretti in “Controcampo” on the website “Messaggero”.

In short, for Lazio’s regional elections, voting will take place between December 18 and the end of January 2023. Zingaretti will resign as governor after approval by the budget collegiate in the regional council. “An objective that can be achieved in two or three weeks and then I will resign – confirms Zingaretti – At that moment the credible gap for the regional elections will be between December 18 and the end of January – explained Zingaretti – After ruining the the 15th to the Italians would also avoid ruining Christmas, but I will not decide: voting sooner or later is a decision that will be up to the Regional Council ».

Source: IL Tempo
