A clear, indisputable and peremptory defeat in the last elections was not necessary. When the political line desired by Secretary Enrico Letta (“vote us to avoid the fascist danger”) was so appreciated that the Democratic Party received a million fewer votes than in 2018. A lesson that, of course, was not well understood in the country of Tuscany. This morning, on her Facebook page, the regional adviser for education and relations with universities and research centers, Alessandra Nardini, expressed her opinion on the start of the new legislature.
“Today, they can take turns in the Senate presidency. The session will be opened by Liliana Segre, a direct witness of the Shoah, committed throughout her life to spread the memory so that that horror is not repeated. If elected, Ignazio La Russa would succeed, proposed by Meloni and the right: nostalgic who never regrets fascism, owner of gadgets and memories of his twenties. It would be a handover to the state’s second position that simply puts the shivers down.” Words that speak for themselves, yet another demonstration that respect for the popular vote, from the left, must be given every other day, depending on the result. As it was about Christmas lights and not the main dictate of our Constitution.
In Florence, however, two old friends gamble with good reason. Matteo Renzi attacked Dario Nardella head on. “I am receiving dozens of emails from people who are in disbelief because, in my Florence, they are fined if the limit is exceeded by one kilometer. With a limit of 50, hundreds of fines for those who travel 51 km. An absurd view of public administration. This is not intended to ensure road safety, but to raise money at the expense of families. A municipality cannot become a multi-factory, ever”. An issue that is anything but casual, which opens up to unthinkable scenarios, at least until three months ago. Because if Italia Viva were to stand alone in the elections for the highest office at Palazzo Vecchio, which will be held in 2024, the match to elect the mayor of Florence would be far from obvious. Another strong red, which is in danger of falling.
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.