Voting Senate, La Russa is president, but Forza Italia does not vote

In the end, Ignazio La Russa is the president of the Senate of the XIX legislature. What, however, on the eve seemed a foregone conclusion, happens only because politics is ‘the art of the impossible’. The facts: Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi take stock in the Chamber early in the morning. In fact, on the table are the names of the presidencies of the two assemblies but also, and above all, those of the governmental structure. The core is always Licia Ronzulli’s entry into the team.

The FdI leader reiterates no and the Cav doesn’t like it. The counterattack at Palazzo Madama was immediately met: as the first vote began, Berlusconi rallied the Italian senators, who did not participate in the vote. It seems like a choice made to take time and lead the allies to softer advice, but in the end Berlusconi decides to go all the way. Only he and Elisabetta Casellati finally enter the bier to vote. The numbers dance, Sherpas from the various parties put their hands on the abacus: 66 are FdI senators, 29 from the League and 2 from Noi Moderati. With just two preferences collected by FI La Russa it would stop at 99 yes, five points out of 104, a threshold that attests to the goal of most components. As President Liliana Segre advances in the count, however, comes the second twist. Not only does La Russa surpass 104, but it also reaches 116 preferences, bringing home 17 votes that do not fall within the perimeter of the majority. “After years of ‘snipers,’ we have ‘free rescuers,'” comments one senator warmly.

If the center-right finally breaks up, showing itself to be weak in its first ‘exit’ from Parliament, the opposition dissolves even more. The first to end up on the suspect list is Matteo Renzi. “That’s 19 more votes. It’s not that every time something happens it’s me, unfortunately. The 9 of us vote blank. If it were me, as you know, I’d claim it. I’ve always claimed it”, he counters. . He then attacks: “The election of La Russa arises from an internal reckoning on the right and even before the crazy strategy of the Democratic Party and Enrico Letta alliances.”

Carlo Calenda confirms the ally’s version: “Are you crazy? People don’t joke. They don’t exist on the face of the Earth. . From the Democratic Party, however, the accusations immediately begin: “Today’s vote in the Senate certifies with sadness that a part of the opposition expects nothing more than a majority”, declares Enrico Letta, who declares the behavior of those senators as “irresponsible beyond all the limits. who chose to help an already divided and struggling majority on the outside”.

The attacks, however, are crossed: “Vice presidencies and quaestors are at stake”, is the refrain. The French also end up in the crosshairs (especially Bruno Astorre, “competing for commissioner”) and the M5S, “who wants Patuanelli as vice president”. Those directly involved deny it. Read “totally excludes” Democratic Party involvement. Monica Nardi, his historic spokeswoman, at night is even more explicit: “The vice-presidential hypothesis for Franceschini never existed, it is Renzi’s usual method aimed at defaming anyone. It is the sequel to the sinking of the Zan bill. He has an obsession with services. Let’s see if today’s bargain won him Copasir. Or Rai Vigilanza alla Boschi – he accuses -. But Calenda is still too inexperienced in parliamentary tactics to open his eyes. He’ll get there, in your own time”. Even the leader of M5S, Giuseppe Conte, rejects the accusations: “They have already shown the will to join forces against us. But we are not afraid”, he guarantees.

At night, a list of 21 names appears among the senators: they are those, it is explained, ‘guilty’ – after careful examination of the var – for having stayed longer than the others inside the ‘bier’. Inside are six names from Action-IV, some M5S, 2 lefts from Green Alliance, Senators for Life and Senator ‘South Calls North’. Among them would be the two who voted for Liliana Segre and the two who opted for Roberto Calderoli (although different, on the Transatlantic they are ready to bet that it is Berlusconi and Casellati). Those directly involved deny it and even the FdI’s reading leaves less room for tactics: “Ignazio has good relations with several parliamentarians, built up over the years. Perhaps, given the situation, he made some phone calls…” . Tomorrow, we answer to the Chamber. “In view of what happened in the Senate, if we want to reach an agreement on a single name of the opposition for the vote on the presidency of the Chamber, we are there, but later we will also do it with the vice presidents”, proposes Iv Maria Elena Boschi. Without FI, the center-right does not reach the majority of the components, necessary for the fourth vote to elect Roberto Fico’s successor. ‘Frank rescuers’ are warned.

Source: IL Tempo
