Marching and demanding the resignation of Sergio Berni due to police action in La Plata

Marching and demanding the resignation of Sergio Berni due to police action in La Plata

Today and tomorrow there is a mobilization in Buenos Aires demanding his removal from the position of Minister of Security.

Axel Kitsilof and Sergio Berni
Axel Kitsilof and Sergio Berni

LA PLATA.- Continuity in the position of Minister of Security, Sergio BerniThe Buenos Aires provincial government is under intense scrutiny from inside and outside, following the fatal police crackdown that ended the life of high school fan Cesar Regueiro.

and the national deputy Maximo Kirchner Slipping into PJ’s in Buenos Aires yesterday, the ex-soldier must answer Because of the brutal repression, which ended in one death, this Wednesday there was a march of fans in front of the gymnasium stadium and on Thursday left-wing movements They will go to the governor to demand the resignation of the official.

At the moment, Governor Axel Kitsilof holds the most controversial minister in his cabinet. “The investigation will determine the extent of responsibility throughout the chain of command,” said a spokesman for Kitsilof, who ruled out calls for his resignation at this time.

A demonstration will be held in front of the government tomorrow to ask Kitsilof to remove Bern from his position. The Multisectoral Human Rights Organization of La Plata-Beriso-Ensenada will organize a march in the afternoon from Plaza Moreno to the Governor’s Office.

Left Front MP Guillermo Cain, who has already confirmed his participation in the rally, said: “A huge police operation against Gimnasium-San Lorenzo. This is a provocation fans by security forces. Police repression against fans is another crime of the Buenos Aires police against the population. We demand justice Cesar Reguiro And for all the fans who have to put up with this completely unacceptable savagery.”

Gymnasium is playing today in the forest against San Lorenzo and while it was marching, from the headquarters 4 on 51 to 53, which moved in front of the stadium, on 60 and 118 to deny the repression that ended with one death match between gymnastics and person.

The motto of today’s mobilization is demand Fast and transparent investigation About the actions of the Buenos Aires police. “The police are killing us on all the fields,” reads the slogan that called believers to the rally. this afternoon in front of the gymnasium stadium.

From this point of view, the radical MP Anahia Bilbao spoke. ” Chaos and tragedy Bernie and Kitsilof are largely responsible for the black night, who set the line of action for those who did not take into account the dangerous consequences caused by gas and rubber bullets and wanted to disperse the people who tried to enter the stadium. Absolute lack of control, ticket in hand,” said the Lapriden lawmaker.

“The judicial investigation to identify those responsible for the cruel repression, which is unacceptable and painful, must be swift and transparent and thorough, not only because of the loss of life that could have been avoided, but also the danger that was put to thousands of people who could not leave the stadium because the entrances They found it closed,” Bilbao explained.

“This is not the first time that the forces of Buenos Aires, under the orders of those responsible, are the protagonists of this disproportionate attitude, which shows that it is not ready to act in certain situations,” said the lawmaker. “The violence that he usually carries out does not take into account the consequences that he causes on people who have nothing to do with the actions, and even more so when there are children, women and the elderly,” Bilbao emphasized.

Both the police establishment and Aprevid depend on the Ministry of Security, and the portfolio on the governor of the province of Buenos Aires. “Neither Bernie nor Kitsiloff initially claimed responsibility for the crackdown, despite videos that circulated after the events. Public pressure has forced them to make some administrative decisions, but it is not enough. Vulnerability is alarming At all levels of society and if we add to this the fact that the football festival ended badly due to the inadequate and inadequate response of those responsible for maintaining order, we have the feeling that we are in the hands of the government. A government that does little or nothing to prevent and train police officers and designated officials to prevent acts of this nature from endangering a section of the public,” Bilbao concluded.

The provincial capital has been moved, and not just by this episode. The acts of insecurity are taking place in La Plata, given the growing anger of the population, which is vulnerable to the wave of insecurity that manifests itself more intensely in these last months of the year.

Source: La Nacion
