The first two boxes, those of the Senate and House presidencies, were filled according to the established schedules, but not without strong repercussions within the coalition. It is an open confrontation between Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi. The FDI president, who wants to shut down the government team as quickly as possible, finds herself having to deal with an ally, the Cav, who doesn’t want to be forced to the line by the premier in pectore. And the lack of support from Forza Italia at the time of voting for Ignazio La Russa at Palazzo Madama is directly linked to these frictions, and also a consequence of Meloni’s veto on the presence in the executive of the very loyal Cavalry, Licia Ronzulli.
What makes the tension soar is above all the note – captured by the photographers’ lens – that Berlusconi was flipping through yesterday while he was sitting in the classroom at Palazzo Madama. A sheet of ‘Villa S. Martino’ letterhead on which appears a not-quite-flattering list of Meloni’s “behavior”: “1. opinionated 2. arrogant 3. arrogant 4. offensive.”
List accompanied by a final footnote: “Not willing to change. She’s someone you can’t get along with.” Words that Meloni, leaving the Chamber at night with his daughter Ginevra, harshly comments without many words: “It seems to me that one point was missing from those listed by Berlusconi, which are not blackmailable.”
In short, a clarification between the two leaders invoked by the centre-right on several fronts does not seem available at the moment. However, without truce, there is a serious risk that the situation will get complicated and that the new government will start off on the wrong foot. La Russa is well aware of this, and it is not by chance that he ‘advises’ the Cav to “declare what I am almost certain, that that photo is fake. But he must declare, I cannot say”. Message that goes hand in hand with the social of Andrea Delmastro, deputy and chief justice of the Brothers of Italy: “It would be criminal to feed friction in the center-right. We must quickly indicate the list of ministers to start working promptly for Italy.”
The impression is that, despite everything, Meloni will continue to follow his own path. Following a schedule that, according to what she filters, could lead her to climb the Colle as early as the afternoon of the 21st. The consultations of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, can start on the 20th of October.
The task of the Fdi leader could therefore be entrusted the following day and the dissolution of the reserve by the prime minister in charge – if Meloni wanted to respect the practice – could arrive on the 23rd or 24th of October, taking into account that Sunday 23 Mattarella is busy with his French colleague, Emmanuel Macron, at the peace conference of the Community of Sant’Egidio. A timing that is taking shape, therefore, and that would be completed with the oath (25-26 of October) and the test of confidence of the new executive of the Parliament. In all, ten days to be used to try to fix it with Berlusconi and complete the government team puzzle.
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.