Silvio Berlusconi has a strong temptation after the bitter clash with the Brothers of Italy: do not appoint Giorgia Meloni as prime minister in consultations with the President of the Republic. The hypothesis is anticipated by La Stampa, who explains where the malaise of the number one in Forza Italia comes from: “In the last forty-eight hours Berlusconi has understood that for the first time in thirty years he is no longer the undisputed ruler of the center – right. He is disappointed, heartbroken, in disbelief, no longer having the strength to devise an immediate reaction strategy to the insult he believes he has suffered from Meloni.”
The Piedmontese newspaper goes into detail, explaining that it is mainly the Ministry of Justice that has created a rift between the allies. Berlusconi was convinced that the FdI had given the go-ahead to grant the Azzurri the department of via Arenula, which would go to one between Francesco Paolo Sisto and Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati. From Forza Italia, however, accuse Meloni of having reneged on the offer, opting for Carlo Nordio in that box. A twist that triggered the hour of the Knight, who is thinking about the tear of the name of the head of government. A plan that does not agree with Antonio Tajani, destined for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
“With him, he is evil, Meloni has opened a channel. The premier in pectore, however, if she really wants to be considered as such, she can’t afford to download Forza Italia. And then, they confide in Arcore, as soon as the anger subsides, he will return to sit around a table, perhaps on Monday, or Tuesday, as proposed by Matteo Salvini, now on paper, not usual for him, from mediator “the rest of the reconstruction of La Stampa.
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.