Three days a thousand miles away, with the Sherpas working to heal a wound that was deep but still healed. The tension between Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi is still very high, who will not return to Rome until Tuesday, when, on the eve of the election of the vice-presidents of the chambers and the Quirinale consultations, there could be the decisive meeting to gather the center-right and close the composition of the government.
No contact yesterday between the leader of Fratelli d’Italia and the president of Forza Italia. After the confrontation of Giorgia Meloni in the Senate with the election of Ignazio La Russo as president and the “notes” against the president of the FdI – in favor of the flash – the Cav returned to his Villa San Martino in Arcore, where he will remain until the beginning of days next week and then return to the capital, ready to go to the Quirinale consultations with the head of state, Sergio Mattarella.
Berlusconi in his notes defined Meloni as “opinionated, arrogant, arrogant and offensive”, adding: “Giorgia is not willing to change. She’s a person you can’t get along with.”
Biting response from the FdI president: “I’m not blackmailable.” Between the two is freezing. The Cav did not deny the contents of his notes. Mouths sewn in Forza Italia, divided between Licia Ronzulli’s “hawks” and the moderate wing that refers to Antonio Tajani. However, Berlusconi’s party seems isolated on the centre-right, with the Lega and Noi Moderati’s centrists decidedly on Meloni’s side.
The coalition’s hope is that it will find a channel of communication and that there will be no further incidents on the way to the formation of the new government. “I am sure that even between Giorgia and Silvio, that harmony will return that will be fundamental for us to govern, well and together, for the next five years”, assures the leader of the Lega Matteo Salvini, who worked yesterday with the team in Rome and focused his focus on the main economic dossiers.
What we understand is that a pause for reflection was opened to decant the situation, but in Forza Italia, spirits are boiling. The two souls of the party – divided between hawks and doves – may be divided in the confrontation: when Meloni will present to the government team the names of the ministers and departments assigned to each party. Indeed, it is not strange that the moderate wing of the FI will eventually take the initiative and respond to the FdI sirens, should Licia Ronzulli want to pull the string even further. This will be understood in the next few hours. For now, the hypothesis that Forza Italia will go alone to the consultations seems frozen: a tear that would have inevitable consequences in the composition of the government.
The moderate wing of the FI is optimistic, especially given the specter that the center-right could be split in Quirinale consultations. However, FI exponents are worried after the Berlusconi-Meloni clash. Nothing is irreparable, say sources in the Cavaliere party, but relations must be rebuilt. “There is a question of a political nature and there is a need to repair the human and personal relations between Berlusconi and Giorgia, who belongs to another category”, confirms Fabio Rampelli (FdI), who says he is absolutely sure that the center-right will present itself. will be joined to the Quirinale.
The bridges are working to organize a meeting between the former prime minister and the president of the FdI. But until Monday there are no twists. Berlusconi is waiting for Meloni’s next move, perhaps the list of ministers. Nobody questions that a strong executive will be built that can face the emergencies that the country faces, even if the bitterness of the accident at Palazzo Madama still lives, which could have been avoided.
In the Forza Italia group in the Senate there are several discontents. Nobody expected the affair that erupted with the election of Ignazio La Russa. “This is what happens, but this is enough, period. Everything will be resolved”, says the president of the Region of Calabria, Roberto Occhiuto, who explains: “The father of the center-right expected a more respectful attitude from Meloni. I think everything will be fine. It’s like a father who slapped his son, the father expects to be heard for things he didn’t have.’
Meanwhile, Meloni spends the weekend away from the spotlight, torn between his family and the responsibility of training an executive who, as promised, will have “authority” to face the challenges that the country will face. And this will be the decisive week, which will open the talks in the Vetrata studio with Mattarella from October 20th. A timing that can also come as a surprise. In fact, among the corridors of political buildings, there is the possibility that Meloni is tempted not to carry out his consultations and, therefore, to accept the position without reservations. A choice dictated by the need not to waste time. This would open for an acceleration, with the oath taking place on Saturday, October 22nd, and the trust in the Chambers on the 26th. Nothing changes in the method of attributing the dicasteries: Melonia will choose the names to be proposed to the Quirinale.
Source: IL Tempo
I’m George Gonzalez, a professional journalist and author at The Nation View. With more than 5 years of experience in the field, I specialize in covering sports news for various print media outlets. My passion for writing has enabled me to craft stories that capture the attention of readers all over the world.