Rave party, government seeks internal agreement for corrections: Brothers of Italy brakes Forza Italia

Work and political tables have already begun to reach an agreement on the much-disputed rule of government-desired rave parties. In particular, explains Corriere della Sera, there are three points that must be reviewed: from 6 years the maximum sentence provided for in the decree-law should drop to 5 years, a change that would exclude the use of wiretapping by prosecutors; a greater distinction in the responsibilities assigned to the organizers and participants of the illegal party; finally, greater circumscription and clarification of crime, which should probably be linked to drug trafficking and consumption.

Forza Italia are pressing in particular on the maximum penalty and the interception issue, but the Brothers of Italy are in the niche for now. “The rave party decree was necessary and appropriate. It was necessary to foresee the possibility of clearing occupied buildings or agricultural fields, of seizing material that, as we saw in the case of Modena, is very expensive and confirms that behind these events are obviously powerful organizations and drug traffickers. You can discuss the extent of the maximum penalty or further define the conduct you wish to sanction. Detailed changes. There is no turning back” the blue position expressed by Maurizio Gasparri, vice president of the Senate.

Wanda Ferro, deputy for Giorgia Meloni’s party, maintains the point: “It is a decree that protects young people, it does not limit any freedom. It can be improved during the conversion phase, with wide convergence, but it is important to keep the part referring to the seizure of vehicles and audio systems. They are a disincentive. We are accused by the same people who invented the green pass and closed Italians at home for months.”

Source: IL Tempo
