Sangiuliano says enough for politically correct fiction: “Rai also talks about Fallaci and Montanelli”

The cultural revolution must be 360 ​​degrees. After the crusade to make museums pay more, bringing them into line with those located abroad, the Minister of Culture Gennaro Sangiuliano he believes that the time has also come to “overcome political correctness”. “I want to encourage plural thinking, to add to and not replace a left-wing narrative with a right-wing narrative,” said The Breakfast Club guest minister on Radio Capital.

Some examples? “In recent years history has oriented in the same direction from the cultural point of view, we need to overcome the dictatorship of political correctness – explained Sangiuliano – You can make a film to narrate an event, but you can also make it to narrate Y. La Rai made a fiction about the ‘Mayor of migrants’ Mimmo Lucano but not connected Oriana Fallaci, Indro Montanelli or Luigi Pirandello. That speaks volumes.”

Source: IL Tempo
