Pd, Morani slaps Letta: “Just hold the party hostage”

“Whoever leads the Democratic Party today should take note that they cannot hold a party hostage and must ensure the conclusion of the congress no later than January. Don’t tell me that the statute foresees long times and phases: the statute can be waived. . Just love the Democratic Party. You don’t need anything else.” It is the long outburst that Alessia Morani, a member of the Democratic Party leadership and exponent of the reformist Base, entrusts to social networks.

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Morani attacks the secretary of the Democratic Party, explaining the main mistakes and criticizing his choices regarding the congress: “Every day I am more surprised by the distance from the reality of the statements made by those who lead my party. Today I read Letta’s appeal in La Repubblica that , in his view, should start the Democratic Party congress, in comparison to which, pass me the joke, the Chinese Communist Party congress seems to have a clever regulation. In my opinion, Letta’s appeal contains two essential errors. The first concerns the ‘objective of the PD congress and which is to oppose the law, an objective that is mentioned in several parts of the appeal. the country’s government. The opposition is fine but it doesn’t seem to me to be a vast program, as some would say. The second mistake concerns the so-called opening of circles not only to our ‘members and militants but also to everyone those who want to join,’” continues the dem.

“Our secretary probably doesn’t know that, thanks to the new association rules (on which I didn’t vote convincingly), our clubs, which were already in serious crisis, today have very few members and have become, where they are still active, small places of debate. and power of the ‘usual suspects’. How can you think of being attractive under these conditions? Do we really think that without a shred of political line and leadership we can be a political force capable of moving and convincing someone? Politics is passion, emotion, dream, hope and sharing. We are making it a place of bureaucratic superfetation. A still and soulless place. Many were impressed by Francesco Piccolo’s article a few days ago. This speech is a real photograph of our party that someone, however, he’s been trying to express himself inside for some time,” concludes Morani.

Source: IL Tempo
