Government, Landini already makes war on Meloni: “No ready answers for the square”

Long live dialogue, beneath prejudices and ideological barriers. Said like that, it sounds like a fairy tale. But as we are in the real world, where all roads are full of hardships, we are preparing for today’s meeting between the prime minister and the unions with the preliminary verbal artillery of the leader of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini. This apparently seems less oriented towards establishing the most virtuous confrontation possible with the Executive, given the difficult social phase our country is going through. Already last Saturday, in St. John’s Square, during the demonstration for Peace in Ukraine, he attacked the anti-rave legislation and the policy of combating irregular immigration (deviating a little from the theme of the event). Yesterday, just to signal a relaxed approach the day before, he upped the dose. On raves and immigration, he said, the government’s first steps “seemed like a bad start. I would also add the increase in cash to 10 thousand euros in a country where there are 6 million people who, working, do not reach the gross 10 thousand euros: the problem in our country is not to raise money, it is to put money in the pockets of those who do not have ». On immigration, then, he underlines: “The position of the CGIL is very precise: all people fleeing wars, hunger, must be welcomed. This has been the case for the last few months. We don’t understand, we don’t accept and we don’t share what is happening right now. We must not let anyone die, much less make discrimination of this nature between people. I think this is government misbehavior, and as far as we are concerned, it needs to be changed quickly.”

A line perfectly superimposed on that of the left-wing leaders, totally out of line with the reality of the facts: nobody wants to kill human beings at sea, and those who were not allowed to disembark are, in any case, guaranteed assistance and hot meals. Returning to the objectives of economic policy, then, he observes: “We are against the flat tax and we will also say this at the meeting with the government, because in a country that has 120 billion in tax evasion, the fundamental question is how this is fought” . In addition, “on the other hand, we need a tax reform that assumes the principle of progressivity provided for in our Constitution and that reduces taxation from the lowest levels.” With the understanding that defining bellicose is not enough: “Before reaching the mobilizations, I believe that we need to ask the government to do its job. Of course, if there are no answers, we will decide on all necessary initiatives. We have specific proposals and demands, we will evaluate the government’s responses and attitude”.

In short, at the table with the red button of social tension ready to be pressed. The “bad start” is probably just that. Especially where it is not possible to grasp where the profile of the unionist ends and that of the umpteenth hypothetical leftist leader begins, of which there is a very popular sample.

Source: IL Tempo
