The dispute on the left in Lazio makes the center-right happy. That the candidate already has

He has nothing against Alessio D’Amato, but if it were up to him, he would gladly “bring” another one. Nicola Zingaretti tries to clear the field of misunderstandings, linked to the health counselor. “I chose it ten years ago, much less if I don’t like it,” he seems to say, but without much conviction. Many believe that D’Amato is the center-left’s best candidate. But there is a problem. And not of little importance. It seems that D’Amato does not respond slavishly to the leaders of the Lazio Democratic Party. That he is not part of that current that is prevalent today. May the reformist base like it, but not Margherita’s, so to speak. And that’s a problem. In short, a character who does his own thing. It is no accident that he seems to be esteemed even by a part of the centre-right.

Carlo Calenda’s endorsement, a prospect from that unsuccessful big field, seems to have unnerved the leader even further. The Five Stars must also converge on that name. And this is one more problem. The grillini, of course, do not digest this role of subordination to the Democratic Party and want to pass on a proper name. After the mayor’s experience, now they would like to try again in the Region. In short, they want to treat you as equals. Negotiations are getting closer and closer and possible divisions are becoming even more concrete. A hot sirocco wind all this situation to the centre-right. Strong in politics, he intends to recover the Region after a sinister decade. The candidate is there but remains covered. And enjoy the show.

Source: IL Tempo
