Polls, confidence in Meloni soars. Pd, Infinite Agony: Outstanding 5 Star

Italians’ confidence in Giorgia Meloni is growing. The prime minister’s approval rating rose from 53.8 to 54.1 percent in the space of two weeks. The number comes from a survey carried out by Roberto Baldassari, general manager of Lab21.01, for Affaritalani. In the survey, several significant trends also in political parties and beyond.

Fratelli d’Italia rises again and reaches 28.3 percent. Matteo Salvini’s league is given at 8.8 percent, while a slight increase gives Forza Italia oxygen (7.5). In the center-left galaxy, the distance between the 5 Star Movement and the Democratic Party increases. Giuseppe Conte’s 5 Stelle party continues to grow (18%), while the Democrats led by Enrico Letta at least until the next congress lose another half a point and stay at 16.4. Action-Italy Viva by Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi are given at 7.8 percent.

The survey also addresses the issue of foreign policy and the war in Ukraine on the day Meloni received NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at Palazzo Chigi. “Do you think Italy should continue to fund arms shipments to Kiev?” It is the question asked by the survey. 53.2 percent of respondents said they disagree. It’s certainly not an overwhelming majority, but the number is significant.

Source: IL Tempo
