L’aria che tira, “solved the mystery?”. What Chiara Colosimo answers about the elections in Lazio

“Chiara Colosimo, assistant to Fratelli d’Italia and emerging face of Giorgia Meloni’s team. Just like, if I understood correctly, Colosimo, in the scent of candidacy for the Lazio Region. Has the center-right finally found the region’s presidential candidate? It’s her? The centre-right is a little mysterious about this candidate.” That’s how Myrta Merlino welcomes the honorable FdI member during the December 16 episode of L’Aria che Tira, the talk show she hosts on La7. However, Colosimo does not want to unbalance in any way the electoral nomination of February 12, a date already imminent, and he covers it up without touching on the Lazio theme: “Good morning, I greet you from the 10th anniversary of Fratelli d’Italia, where tomorrow we hope Giorgia Melons”.

Source: IL Tempo
