Blocked works at the Budget Commission, conference of group leaders paralyzed after more than an hour of useless negotiations between majority and opposition groups. In the Chamber, the debate on the budget law is open and the votes on the amendments that modify the text presented by the government have not yet begun. Until the arrival of the economic measure to the Chamber remains unknown, awaiting agreements between the parties and between them and the executive, in the search for a solution on how to divide the last 200 million euros available to satisfy at least a part of the requests of the parliamentary forces, with minorities up in arms over the progress of the committee’s scrutiny.
A solution could be found late in the evening, after the V committee session resumed. A Bureau will schedule the evening session. The rapporteur’s term of office, which until last night was scheduled for next midnight, may be voted on tomorrow morning or in the hours immediately following. Arrival at the Assembly could be scheduled for Wednesday, with a delay of more than 24 hours in relation to the established time. The leader of the group, meeting again at 21:30, will decide, but everything will depend on the agreements that can be sanctioned.
Tension skyrocketed from the early hours of the day, when the government presented the fifth package of changes. Measures that, for the opposition, completely rewrite the structure of the maneuver and that, in their view, also contain regulatory provisions, so they could not fall within the scope of the budget law. “The government is doing everything possible with the little time it has. If we had 25 billion less to give to energy, we would certainly have made a different maneuver and we could have given a lot of space to many instances», said the undersecretary for the economy, Federico Freni, in the middle of the morning, inviting the parties to calm down and guarantee that no other amendments come from the government. The opposition contests the majority for not having allowed the continuation of the works. The climate of fibrillation was also registered last night, with the president of the Chamber, Lorenzo Fontana, who would have informed the government that the presentation of a single amendment to the commission was not good and that it was necessary to proceed with the unpacking. The Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, according to parliamentary sources, would have stressed that it was the first time that the offices of Montecitorio asked for such a thing, and the government recognized such zeal.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.