Piantedosi resumes his political role: “If they call me from the right, I am not offended”

“If you describe me as a man of the right, I won’t be offended.” the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, has no problem defining his political position. And it could not be otherwise, since he is part of a center-right political government, the first in nine years chosen directly by voters. For Piantedosi, interviewed by Il Foglio, it makes no sense to distinguish between a “technical” minister and a “political” one, for the simple reason that “there cannot be a non-political minister.”

The journalist tries to make him discover his cards even more, asking him if his reference party is the League, on the other hand Matthew Salvini he was chief of staff when the Carroccio leader ran the Ministry of the Interior. “That the League believes it wants to boast of my loyalty can only honor me – says Piantedosi – But I must say that, until now, I find the same full sharing of opinions and intentions with all the parties of the governing coalition”. And he adds: “A minister’s action, obviously anchored in shared values ​​such as respect for the Constitution and safeguarding the nation’s interests, is always political. Even more so in a government like the one I belong to”.

Source: IL Tempo
