Matteo Renzi is a river in full in the football economy rule in which Claudio Lotito, senator of Forza Italia and president of Lazio, pressed a lot. “Good morning everyone and excuse my angry tone, but what is happening right now is one of the biggest scandals I have witnessed since I have been in Parliament. What happened tonight: they presented the reform of 18App, which means that they will restore the money for 2023. In other words, there is not a cent for 18App in 2023”, the harsh words of the former prime minister in a video published on his social channels.
“So – Renzi recites the numbers – they recover 230 million euros that was the budget of 18App, cancel the money for youth and culture, away with the 230 million euros, and where do they put it? They put them on for the Serie A clubs, for the indebted and often incompetent presidents of the Serie A clubs. Because in the rest of the world football works with television rights, with foreign investment, with national investment. Not here, here football does not deliver the emotions seen in the Argentina-France final, here it is President Meloni who gives amendments to incapable presidents”.
Renzi’s invective against the center-right and the maneuver is not complete: “To clarify: 230 million that were for young people with 18Apps are canceled and in the same budget they put 890 million euros for the presidents of Serie A. I think it is a scandal, slap in the face of young people, slap in the face of culture and indecent crook of Serie A. And do you know why many media do not talk about it? Simple, because many media – denunciation of the leader of Italia Viva – have clubs football, therefore do not make any controversy against this Meloni government scandal. Please let us hear it, as the media does not listen to us, sign the petition, spread the link, be heard on social media”.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.