Polls, Pd overwhelmed by Qatargate: “All-time low”

The Democratic Party sits below the psychological threshold of 15 percent, an all-time low that also photographs the effects of Qatargate. The European scandal that hit the left has irrefutable repercussions on Enrico Letta’s party, which had already registered a hemorrhage of consensus in the polls since the already disastrous elections of September 25th. Enrico Mentana, while presenting the latest SWG research for Tg La7, explained that Qatargate would have an effect on the data that sees the dem lose 0.4% from last week. The figure is pitiless: 14.7 percent.

The gap to the 5 Stelle Movement is approaching three points, gaining 0.3% and rising to 17.4%. Brothers of Italy always first party: it loses two tenths and drops to 30.6%, but it is still the favorite of almost one voter in three. Instead, Lega gains half a point at once (from 8.5% to 9%) and Forza Italia rises from 6 to 6.1% of Dibimedia. Giorgia Meloni’s party remains in the race for the 30% “and is now just 3/10ths off the line”. The FdI “gained 6 tenths in the last 4 weeks, and almost 4 policy points in less than 3 months”. The other top centre-right lists also grew: Lega (8.6%) and Forza Italia (7.0%).

With regard to the opposition, Giuseppe Conte’s 5 Stelle Movement grows and consolidates second place among the parties, with 17.4%. The Third Pole Action-Italia Viva was stable at 7.9%. The Democratic Party “today the average reaches the lowest point ever in its history, at least with regard to voting intentions. The previous minimum was recorded on October 12, 2018, 16.7%”. According to the average of the surveys, the Pd stands at 16.4% “8 tenths compared to 4 weeks ago and 6 tenths compared to 17% last week”. The torments did not spare the other center-left lists, also affected by the scandal linked to the family of Aboubakar Soumahoro. The Verdes e Esquerda alliance is quoted at 3.6% due to a drop of two decimal places.

Source: IL Tempo
