More than 100,000 migrants disembarked in 2022. In Italy, never so many since 2017

Updated data from the Ministry of the Interior. the 100,000 mark had not been passed for five years. Minniti intervened at the time

The immigration emergency reaches a new peak. More than 100,000 (in detail, 100,354) migrants landed on Italian shores from January 1 to today, 56.6% more than the 64,055 in the same period last year; in 2020, in the year of the pandemic, there were 33,687. This is what Viminale’s “immigration statistical panel” reveals, updated at 8 am this morning (with the caveat that “the data are susceptible to further consolidation”).

With reference to the declared nationality at the time of disembarkation, the migrants disembarked in our country come, in order, from Egypt (20%), Tunisia (18%), Bangladesh (14%), Syria (9%), Afghanistan (7% ), Ivory Coast (6%), Guinea (4%), Pakistan (3%), Iran (2%) and Eritrea (25%). This year, 12,505 unaccompanied foreign minors disembark (data updated on December 19), against 10,053 for the year 2021 as a whole and 4,687 for the year 2020 as a whole.

Since 2017, the barrier of 100,000 arrivals on the Italian coast has not been crossed. That year, just under 12,000 migrants arrived by sea. In the same period, the then Minister of the Interior Marco Minniti initiated a memorandum with Libya that in the following year would have reduced the number of landings to less than thirty thousand.

Source: IL Tempo
