A finance that still does not convince. This creates controversies and tensions. Not only between the center-right majority and the left, represented, in a diametrically opposed way, by the Democratic Party and the Five Star Movement, but also by the Third Pole. Which, at a precise stage at the beginning of this legislature, had many openings before the Meloni government. Convergences that today seem to be just a distant and faded memory. “Calenda did well to talk to Meloni about the maneuver, but she didn’t particularly listen to him. Taking money from young people and giving it to football clubs… I didn’t expect that from Meloni”.
It’s a river in full swing Matteo Renzi, who spoke in “One Morning“, he conveyed to Rai. The Italia Viva leader then attacked the symbolic norm of the grillini. “Having eliminated the term congruent of income? I don’t think that’s the problem, the problem is that the income instrument doesn’t work, it’s not good to give income to those who could work”. In this context, the native of Rignano unsurprisingly mentions his bitterest political rival. “Conte says to look at the personal stories of the recipients, but the condominium killer took the rent, the Bianchi brothers, Pietro Maso took the rent, the instigator of the Livatino murder…”.
So it’s impossible not to comment on what’s going on inside your old party. The heated debate, in view of congress, and the split within the Democratic Party. Which risks leading to a new and bloody division. Without forgetting the likely migrations from Botteghe Oscure to Italia Viva. “If you say no to Veltroni’s Charter of Values, and Blair and Obama are classified as enemies, as some say within the Democratic Party, if it gets there – concludes the former mayor of Florence – it is clear that Catholic culture will come out of the left and will come to give us a hand, within the construction of this third role that will be very strong in the Europeans”.
Source: IL Tempo
Emma Fitzgerald is an accomplished political journalist and author at The Nation View. With a background in political science and international relations, she has a deep understanding of the political landscape and the forces that shape it.